I was out all day yesterday and left lotsa ice in my CFB's tank cuz i oculdnt keep the AC on, but when i returned at night the temp was at 74F when its usually at 64-68F... he seemed ok though, i got the temp back down for him and he was very active last night..
now i wake up this morning and check on him and there is a very wierd looking thing protruding up from his back- like a white slightly clear thin "fin" that is floating up and a little curled- its not fuzzy but it doesnt look like its very hard. His skin looks unblemished- do you think maybe he's shedding? or something worse? He's still a baby (not larval) He's pretty small. What should i do?
now i wake up this morning and check on him and there is a very wierd looking thing protruding up from his back- like a white slightly clear thin "fin" that is floating up and a little curled- its not fuzzy but it doesnt look like its very hard. His skin looks unblemished- do you think maybe he's shedding? or something worse? He's still a baby (not larval) He's pretty small. What should i do?