Question: White thing in my CFB's mouth


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Jan 4, 2010
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Budapest, Hungary
One of my chinese firebelly newt has a small white thing in his lower jaw. It looks like a small white piece of gravel.
I wasn't able to make a photo, but i saw it when he tried to eat. I have put him into a quarantine tank, and now he eats less than before.
Could it be some kind of fungus, or disease? or it's just his tongue?? :confused:
I did not see the same thing in my other newts mouth.

I hope somebody can help me in this.
It is very difficult to make a diagnosis without a good pic! But keep it where you go, still watching him to see the development of it and also to see if it changes its behavior is reporting what you see and in the meantime if you take a picture.
It sounds like its tongue to me. Newt tongues normally sit flat in the lower jaw but when they feed they use the tongue to trap and help swallow prey. It can expand, move and look very much like a white fleshy blob in the mouth. When terrestrial the tongue will actually protrude, stick to prey and drag it into the mouth. To the naked eye it looks a lot like a small white blob flicking out of the mouth.

The lack of feeding may just be due to the stress of being moved around. If it was a piece of gravel the newt is more likely to spit it out rather than swallow it. However, accidents do happen and you should make sure the substrate is of a suitable size to avoid impaction risks.
It sounds like its tongue to me. Newt tongues normally sit flat in the lower jaw but when they feed they use the tongue to trap and help swallow prey. It can expand, move and look very much like a white fleshy blob in the mouth. When terrestrial the tongue will actually protrude, stick to prey and drag it into the mouth. To the naked eye it looks a lot like a small white blob flicking out of the mouth.

The lack of feeding may just be due to the stress of being moved around. If it was a piece of gravel the newt is more likely to spit it out rather than swallow it. However, accidents do happen and you should make sure the substrate is of a suitable size to avoid impaction risks.

I was able to make a photo!!
He opens his mouth very frequently , however my other 3 newts does not, So I couldnt see into their mouth to compare them. And I believed that this white thing is abnormal.
I assume You are right and its just his tounge, because he moves it when he eats.
But to be sure please tell me if you can see anything abnormal on the picture.


  • IMG_7085.jpg
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Just the tongue. Nothing to worry about there.
It looks a bit thin, though, you might want to try and fatten it up, specially if you´´ve acquired them recently.
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