White / grey slime on airline tubing?


New member
Oct 18, 2011
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N. Ireland
United Kingdom
I have noticed this white-ish slime keeps developing on the airline tubing and the silicone plants in my tank. When touched or agitated the slime falls off easily and will break off into little bits. I rinse it off at least every week but notice it always quickly returns and establishes itself. Any ideas anybody what this is and whether it could pose a danger to axy health?:confused: The tank is turkey basted twice daily and given a 20% water change weekly, it is fully cycled and temp/water chemsity are fine.

Thanks in advance for any info, this stuff is puzzling the hell out of me!​
How much natural light does your tank have/as well as atrifical?
it most likely is some kind of algae.
Although most people think of algae of being green, it comes in all sorts of different colors and textures
Thanks for replying! The tanks in a recess so doesn't get alot of natural sunlight and I only switch the light on for cleaning. I've never seen algae that isnt green but it does form and feel just like it come to think of it so thanks! :D Do you think this weird white algae could be harmful then? :eek:
i doubt it, monitor your axis to make sure there is no adverse affects. but if you want to get rid of it 100% then take out all the water, scrub the tank (make sure its very rinised if you use any soap)
Don't use soap in your tank. Use vinegar instead.
I get that too, but I just assumed it was algae or bacterial growth. When I clean the filter, it all falls off if I swish the tube around in clean water.
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