White fungus on axolotl?


New member
Sep 22, 2015
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United States
Hi all,

It looks like my axolotl has some white fluffy bits near the back of his head. This is a relatively new occurrence. I change the water in the tank every 1-2 weeks (usually about 70/80% change) and check the parameters when I do. I checked the parameters a few days ago and everything looked normal with the exception of the pH being a tad high. Temp is usually 64-66F. The tank has a small canister filter and some ghost shrimp, but they have been in the tank for months without issue. Any suggestions as what to do? Will this go away on its own or is this something that would require salt/fridging?

I have also included a photo of his back foot. I think that is normal but wanted to check.



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If your tank is cycled then doing 70-80% water changes is a little high. Try just 30% water changes and see how that goes. Since larger water changes can affect the cycle as it removes most the ammonia and nitrites which the good bacteria needs to feed off to stay alive. Your tank temperature is good.

Can you post your exact test results, and what test kit you use?

I cant quite make out anything white/fuzzy on the back of the head.. can you get a close up picture? And the marks on the back leg look like color pigmentation, but can't be 100% sure.

Fridging a salt baths are only needed if fungus has affected the Axolotl on a larger scale, salt baths are very irritating to the skin so shouldn't be done if not needed. Most of the time mild infections can be resolved by keeping your Axolotl is a separate container with 100% daily water changes with dechlorinated water.
I have been using tetra easy 6 in 1 strips

nitrate: ~10 ppm (in the safe zone)
nitrite: 0 ppm(safe)
total hardness:100-150 ppm (hard)
total chlorine: 0 ppm (safe)
alkalinity 170-180 ppm (ideal)
pH: 8.2 (alkaline) I just put some pH down in the tank

Here is another photo


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Strips are not recommended as they can be inaccurate. You should try switching to liquid test kits to make sure your results are true. Welcome to API Fishcare: FRESHWATER MASTER TEST KIT

I can't see any white bits on his head in that picture.

Can you post the ammonia result? Can't really tell if your tank is cycled or not, how long has your tank been setup?
Tank has been setup since June. Have had some live plants in the tank for a couple months, as well as ghost shrimp for months.

Here is a profile I got of him today.


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    2015-11-13 18.31.25.jpg
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You'd be better either buying the liquid test kit or taking a sample of your water to the nearest aquatic store to have it tested (providing they don't use strips aswell). You need true results to know what stage your tanks at, but if it's been going for months it's hopefully cycled
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  • AxieCrazy:
    Hello. I’m looking for some input. My axolotl is about 7 months old. I came home and her gills are completely white. I was reading that they do shed around this age. Could this be why her gills are white? The ph is 6.5-7. Nitrates are 80 Nitrites 0.5
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    Anlucero: I believe my axolotl is constipated. I got him 8 days ago and have not seen any poop in his... +1