New member
Last night. They were fine and then this morning my axolotls showed lots of signs of illness. My white one would go up to the top of the tank. And show many signs of aggression. I recently started using flourish excel to help my live water wisteria and anubus nana. I took these plants out today do to the signs and when I took the plant out the white one came and tried to eat the whole leaf of the nana. This agressive behavior was very odd. And the gills on that one look infected. Now for my black one. He looked like he had white mucus coming off of him. And while swimming lopsided he was taking his back leg and scratching himself to get it off. And was swimming very irritatedly. also experiencing a little gill infection. I read that this may be from heat stress and some people put them in their refrigerator. I did this. And they are still in there while I treat my tank and the water they are in with stress coat. At the moment my ammonia reads .25 or lower. While my p.h. is 7.2 my NO-3 and NO-2 are both a bit high due to the cycling of a newer tank. And are starting to decrese. Is there anything else I can do to ensure the health of these creatures?