I've already told you but feel like replying, so I shall again - just because this thread has a kinda cool title.
Now where was I.... oh yeah......
My internet allowance for the month has been used up, it is INCREDIBLY slow - no chance for chat. Chat decided to mess up on me the other day anyway, so I'm mad at it - maybe it will take me back later (who am I kidding? When I take IT back - oh yeah)... next month, when the computer is at a decent speed.
You see, I'm The Banana - other Aussies like don't come on when I'm not there.
Not really, most don't - I just say that because it sounds like I'm pretty awesome. :\
Oh - and for the other Aussies, please, give up your lives for us other chatters - we have no friends but thou, and are lonely.
Can't. Wait. To. Next. Month!