SludgeMunkey, I have read and reread so much on all of this over the past 2+months, but suddenly I feel like it's all becoming a blur!
Jen, I think I have far less of a problem with new eggs being eaten over larvae that we've seen swimming around. It's my three dear sons, bless them, who probably have names for each of the 35 larvae we have in the various tanks! I will post on the site about shipping eggs to a good home. Someone was interested but then lost interest. I'm not the best about getting to the PO, either, and I don't feel good about shipping larvae, so I need to find someone quickly and get them off!
I guess if the end is near, I can deal with all of this. But, if we're only midway there and I'm looking at another 30-50 eggs, then I'm afraid I'll have to donate a bunch (should they survive) to a pet store. The one that was selling them for $20 looked good (an exotic reptile type of place), but then they fed a live mouse to a pit of snapping turtles as I wrote about awhile ago...we made a quick exit. Anyway, I swore I'd never return. Then, the adoption counselor from a wildlife rescue center we support here called me to take an abused/abandoned hedgehog. I told her of this incident and she said they were supposedly the biggest importer of illegal animals in the state! So, maybe not!
Anyway, if she began laying eggs in March and the male has been away from her for a few weeks, is there any way to tell how long this will continue? She still looks pretty gravid to me...