Question: Whats wrong with my axolotl?


Jul 8, 2015
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United States
I might be asking way to many questions, but I have to make sure.
I just got another axolotl today. Juvenile GFP leucistic axolotl. Its been flapping its gills a lot, and hes not eating, it doesnt even look like the owner I got it from fed it since its belly doesnt have anything in it (food wise). He doesnt even move when i tap him with the turkey baster.. Yes hes alive. I lowered the water temperature to 65 Fahrenheit.
Maybe its because it just got off a flight and the car ride was bumpy on the way home? Or hes new to his environment. I DONT KNOW. I just need help :(
Give him a bit. Make sure the water parameters are clean. After a long trip axolotls tend to be a bit dazed for a little while, especially young ones. Keep him cool, keep trying to feed him, do the best you can and he should be fine. Flicking gills a lot isn't a big deal.

Most people don't feed the animals when they're about to spend the next 2 days in a small bag with a limited amount of water, this way they don't foul the water too much on the way, ensures safety. Being a bit hungry is a lot better than being poisoned by ammonia.
As above, make sure the parameters are all in check and give the little one more time. He is probably pretty stressed out from the journey and introduction to his new home. Hopefully he will settle in the next few days.
It pooped. Thats it so far. Ive tried feeding it but it acts like itll eat it but then swims away.
Im feeding it frozen bloodworms since thats all I can afford now.
I also tried to let the new axolotl meet the old one by putting a wall in between them but the old one seems to just wanna eat the new axie. He nips at the glass. Not to mention the old axolotl is bigger than the other one even though they're the same age. Should I take the axolotl back? I dont want my axie to kill the new one
The axolotls are from the same owner. I just didnt buy both of them at the same time. The owner didnt feed this axolotl correctly. I feed mines everyday and hes twice the size as the other axolotl and i dont know how much the owner of this new axie fed it.
All axolotls stop growing very fast after they hit about 6-7". So give it time, keep them separated, sooner than later they'll be the same size. The new one could be a runt, which would mean it isn't the original owners fault. I've had a runt who just didn't eat a lot, didn't grow a lot, and was generally challenged and such. Despite being in great clean and cool water like the rest of my axolotls his gill feathers eventually shrunk to burnt little stubs. Treated him just as well as everyone else, but he was sickly. I'm not sure what his fate was as I moved and had to rehome all my guys at the time. I was surprised he lived as long as he did with me, tough little wild type. His name was Godzilla.
I have the small one in a hermit crab carrier case
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in the same tank as the bigger one is in so basically a tank in a carrier. Big one is on the outside of the carrier. Little one in the carrier. I hope that makes sense. I dont want to leave the small one in the carrier until its the same size. Im just trying to get the little one to get use to the surroundings. Plus it seems like hes calmer in there than ontop of my dresser in the carrier. Hes not flapping his gills as much
Well being in a bigger tank means more water volume which means cleaner water, so it's definitely good that he's in there compared to on the dresser. If he can fit in the other axolotl's mouth then he may get eaten if you let them be together. I'd leave him in the carrier, in the tank, and just feed him a lot and keep his carrier clean, give him a little place to hide in there, and he should be fine.
Yeah, I think if my index finger can fit in the axolotls mouth and my index finger is the size of the new axie, thats not a good idea lol. They just keep staring at each other really. No more nipping since I guess he knows hes not able to get it. Can you suggest some home objects that provide hiding?
Go in your back yard and find some rocks that are a couple inches long and just put two a few inches apart and one on top, he can go in there and hand out.
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