can't honestly say. I have loved newts for so long that I can't clearly separate my love for them from my love for food, or air, or water. They've just....always been there, as long as I can remember.
When I was 4 or 5, I allegedly went missing from kindergarten and, after a brief frantic search, was found knee-deep in the village fire pond catching newts and sticking them in my pockets (poor newts, I know).
Later, I'd skip out of elementary school classes with my two best friends Olaf #1 and Olaf #2* and we'd have newt-catching contests at that same pond. At the end, we'd count heads and tally up the winner: females were one point, alpine males 2 points, nice vulgaris in full breeding gear 3 points. Then we'd let the newts go again, except for one or two we'd keep at home in our aquariums. We even brought some to class once and let them crawl over the teacher's desk, which had the anticipated results (excitement, scolding, afternoon phone call to the parents).
I've been fond of newts almost before I have loved anything else. So there it is.
* Olaf #1 grew up to be a hydrological engineer; Olaf #2 allegedly did some time later on, but I have long lost track of him.