My C. Orientalis are totally aquatic as adults. They did spend their time on land for many months after I bought them (foolish me, I now know they are WC.) Since returning to the water, they have never been seen on land and are now parents to 45+ larvae. So, if you'd be interested in breeding them, they do so quite readily. We saw our first larva 11 months after we got the pair - had no idea we had a male and a female and did nothing to encourage it. I'm willing to donate some juveniles when the time is right if you're interested! I've had four morph and I'm worried about them regarding eating, etc. I have 40 more larvae and several eggs which should be hatching any day. It has been very educational for our entire family (I have three boys, 5, 7, 9) to watch the larvae develop in the egg sacs. We've grown quite fond of the little guys. I have donated some eggs to one enthusiast, have another fellow hobbyist waiting for another bunch. I have separated my pair in hopes of ceasing the egg laying, so I don't know how long it will continue, but if it does, and raising them from eggs is something you'd like to do, you could be on the list. It is like a little miracle in the making.
Anyway, I have no other experience with the other types you mentioned.
Good luck,