What sort of new or salamander is good for my tank? I have ADFs


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Oct 15, 2008
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United States
I am a new aquarium owner and have a 10 gallon tank with 4 African dwarf frogs in it and 3 feeder guppies, they are not there for anything to eat, they came with the frogs. I’ve had them for a little over a month, they seem healthy and happy. I am thinking about getting a new or a salamander. African dwarf frogs are fully aquatic, so my tank has no land, though it has plenty of cover for the frogs.

What sort of salamander or newt might be appropriate for my tank? By appropriate, I mean that it will be fine with the PH, temperature and not fight the frogs. The temperature of the tank is 74 to 75 degrees, the PH is kept around 6.8. The tank does not get direct sunlight, I do not keep any natural plants in there.

Also, do I need to worry about getting more than 1? I know some species do not do well in isolation, I do not think my tank has room for more than 1, so that is not really an option.

I was considering a single axolotls.
I think that is an excellent community as it stands. Be glad that your African dwarf frogs are healthy as many of them are imported in deplorable conditions.

The majority of newts would not do well with dwarf frogs as they prefer cooler temperatures than the frogs prefer. There is also the issue that newts are predatory and may try to eat the slow moving frogs resulting in injury or death. Dwarf frogs can't regrow lost limbs like a newt can.

I'd also recommend against additional fish. Dwarf frogs do best in a monospecies tank as they are not fierce competitors for food and can easily be starved out by fast feeding fish.

Chytridiomycosis can also be a problem with African dwarf frogs. Please keep this in mind if you acquire or currently have more amphibians. Proper quarantine is a must.
I did not really expect to get a response that there is any sort of newt that I could add, thanks for the response. I may set up another tank 10 gallon for 2 axolotls. How smart are they and how well can they see? I got the ADFs based on online statements I read about how smart they are. My ADFs are healthy but feeding them is a real pain, their vision seems to be just terrible, they can’t seem to see bloodworms less then an inch in front of them unless it moves, they seem to find them more by luck than anything else. I have 1 fat frog who is a great hunter, 2 alright ones and one that I fear may not be getting enough. I try to put food, frozen bloodworms I soak in water from the tank, near each of them with a turkey baster but when food gets into the tank they move so much that that method does not work.

I would like a pet that can at least tell that I exist. I read a few accounts that axolotls have good enough vision and are smart enough to identify a person, to such a degree that they may go to the top of the tank to “beg”. Is this true?

Also, can they catch chytrid?
I'd hate to say it but 2 axolotls in a 10 gallon is too much. Axolotl's can get quite large (7-14") so 2 in a 10 gallon is without a doubt going to be too many. I'd be wary of only a single axolotl in a 10 gallon. It can be done but it requires one to pay attention to water quality and be regular with water maintenance.

Axolotl's do not see terribly well but they are known for being responsive to their owners in some way. Many will eventually associate some sort of movement with feeding time (opening the top, entering the room, or opening a cabinet below their cage) and move about or "beg" in anticipation. My paddle tail newt (Pachytriton labiatus and fire salamander (Salamandra salamandra both respond to my presence.

Since you live in Florida it would pay to also make sure you can maintain appropriate temperatures. Axolotls do best below 70F. Temperatures above that mark for too much of the year can cause death and disease. Some newts that can tolerate warm water can be found in this thread but please note these would not be good companions for your dwarf frogs.

I'm not sure how susceptible axolotls are to chytrid, but good quarantine is still the best plan with any new amphibian species.
I've called near 2 dozen stores, I can't find a single store in the area which sells any sort of salamanders or newts, so it seems my aspirations are gone for now.
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