Claire- trust me the way he is floating isnt normal he floats at the top on his side, i know it isnt normal cause one of my other axies likes to float in the water but not like he does. he is really skinny and his back is starting to hunch. when he sticks his head out of the water he doesnt gulp the air he just leaves it there for a while and sometimes he gets on top of the filter and seems like he is going to climb out of the tank.
Grant-he is around 7-8 inches and the swimming is more like thrashing, thats why i thought the water could have been of poor quality and irritating his skin, but it is perfect.
Anne-Marie- the axolotl i am talking about is a separate one i bought, the one you gave me is fine, as soon as i took him out of the fridge he was perfectly normal again. both he and the golden one you gave me are both in the large tank i have, with my white axie,they all get along fine and are complete pigglets. the other one that is sick is by himself in the small tank. i am just so happy i didnt let him near my other three axies. in regards to prawns i have tried everything he looks interested in the food and follows it around the tank kind of mezmorised but just doesnt bite.
by the way Annie-Marie, in the axie gallery under the thread Tezcatlipoca-Halszka's axie, that golden albino halszka has called mokey, is that one of your axie babies cause if it is, it looks exactly like my one that you gave me, even their gill shape looks the same, they look like