What makes someone "experienced?" General question for survey development!


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Nov 4, 2020
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United States
Hello all!

I am a grad student working on creating relationships and learning about the amphibian pet trade community. I've done some recruitment on this site for some previous work of mine (phone interviews about Bsal and cleaning/husbandry practices).

I'm now working on creating a new survey for people who attend pet trade shows. I want to ask something about how "experienced" respondents to my survey are, but I'm not sure how to define experience in the amphibian pet trade community. I've thought potentially asking about length of time owning an amphibian or how many amphibians they own, but I don't know it those actually represent someone being an "experienced" amphibian owner.

What are your thoughts? Is there something you think of that makes someone an "experienced" keeper/owner? Looking to hear thoughts and suggestions!

Merriam Webster Definition:


1 of 2


ex·pe·ri·ence ik-ˈspir-ē-ən(t)s
a: direct observation of or participation in events as a basis of knowledge
b: the fact or state of having been affected by or gained knowledge through direct observation or participation
a: practical knowledge, skill, or practice derived from direct observation of or participation in events or in a particular activity
b: the length of such participation has 10 years' experience in the job
3: something personally encountered, undergone, or lived through
a: the conscious events that make up an individual life
b: the events that make up the conscious past of a community or nation or humankind generally
5: the act or process of directly perceiving events or reality

I think everyone is going to have a different opinion but based on the definition and my own feelings. I would say it's important that the person keep the animal for at least a year and also have intentionally bred the animal and raised the young to adulthood.


Well, I would want at least a year of ownership because different animals change their preferences over the course of a year. I would also want more then just barely surviving as well. An animal that breeds will at least be at a minimal level of health to successfully breed. Taking care of the young is also important as it will require different care then the adults and it's part of ownership for pretty much any amphibian being kept in a group. If they have that they could be experienced. Are they the most experienced or an expert? No, not from that, but they can at least speak from a 'position of experience'.
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