I guess weekly is probably a high guess, maybe not that often but it (the green film) seems to be around a lot. I actually recently changed Marly's setup a bit, and he's been spending more time out of the water. I had a little curved log that was placed like a bridge over the water and land area, and he mostly liked to sit in the water under teh bridge. I had added a live plant and moved the bridge out of the water. This was a couple days ago I think. Since then, he's been spending more time out of the water and around the log and plant. He actually has been burying himself the last few days, under the log, which he never does (bury himself, I mean.) I was thinking that maybe he's burying himself because I have been wetting down his tank more than usual. The other day the humidity was back down to like 55% and he was out of the substrate and back in the water. So I wetted it down again and now he's burried under the log, with just his little face poking out. I've been keeping the humidity high mostly because I'm very paranoid of him drying up and turning into a little salamander mummy. I had a bad experience in school with the class salamader drying up over the weekend, so I'm super paranoid of him getting too dry! I didn't know 'too wet' could be bad for him though, so that is good to know! What kind of humidity range would be best for him? Last night he actually ate his worm on the land, which he never does either (and his water was just cleaned so I know it wasn't because the water was dirty) so I thought maybe he is liking the way the tank is being maintained now? I do like seeing him out of the water so much the last few days, but it's really strange to go up to the room and not have him in the water dish. I went up to check what kind of substrate I'm using, it just says Reptile Bark by All Living Things (it doesn't say what particular kind of wood it is.) Because he only seems to be out of the water if the bark is pretty damp, could that mean that the bark is too coarse for his skin when it gets drier?
Oh and yes Marly is olive colored. He's got the really dark olive body with the light olive spots on him. We don't have the bright colored tigers around here

but I think he's still beauitful!
I'd appreciate any advice, as I want him to have the best kind of life I can give him - and for him to be around as long as he can!
I've been thinking about getting a little smaller of a water dish, as his is pretty large. Maybe that would cut down on the humidity level?