(v) In the family Ambystomatidae: Mole salamanders. In the genus Ambystoma. Except for the native species Ambystoma tigrinum mavortium, Western tiger salamander, and Ambystoma tigrinum melanostictum, Tiger salamander.
(vii) In the family Cryptobranchidae: Giant salamanders and hellbenders, all members of the genera Andrias and Cryptobranchus.
(viii) In the family Dicamptodontidae, American giant salamander, all members of the genus Dicamptodon, except for the native species: Dicamptodon tenebrosus, Pacific giant salamander, and Dicamptodon copei, Cope's giant salamander.
(ix) In the family Hynobiidae: Mountain salamanders, all members of the genera Batrachuperus, Hynobius, Liua, Onychodactylus, Pachyhynobius, Pseudohynobius, Ranodon, Salamandrella.
(x) In the family Plethodontidae, subfamily Desmognathinae: All members of the genus Desmognathus, dusky salamander.
(xi) In the family Plethodontidae, subfamily Plethodontinae: All members of the genera Aneides (climbing salamanders); Batrachoseps (slender salamanders); Eurycea (American brook salamanders); Gyrinophilus (cave salamanders); Hemidactylium (four-toed salamanders); Hydromantes (web-toed salamanders); Plethodon (woodland and slimy salamanders); Pseudotriton (mud or red salamanders), and Speleomantes (European salamanders).
(xii) In the family Proteidae, mudpuppies, all members of the genus Necturus and Proteus.
(xiii) In the family Salamandridae: Newts, all members of the genera Chioglossa; Eichinotriton (mountain newts); Euproctus (European mt. Salamander); Neurergus (Kurdistan newts); Notophthalmus (red-spotted newts); Pachytriton (Chinese newts); Paramesotriton (warty newts); Salamandrina (speckled salamander); Taricha except for the native species Taricha granulosa granulosa the Northern rough-skinned newt, and Triturus (alpine newts).
(xiv) In the family Sirenidae, sirens, all species of the genera Pseudobranchus and Siren.