What is a "Advanced member"?


Well-known member
Apr 5, 2012
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Seattle area Washington
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I am wondering what a "Advanced member" is? And how/can you become one?

Thanks. -Seth
I'm not sure what you mean by Advanced Member. Do you mean the ability to post in the Advanced Topics sub forum? That is a moderated sub forum where all threads and posts may be subject to moderation, i.e., approved by moderators and administrators. To post in this area, the topic needs to be an advanced and substantial topic. Help questions and basic information questions should be posted in the 'Newt and Salamander Help' sub forum.
We've created this section so that we can help people get hold of scientific papers that they wouldn't otherwise have access to. To prevent abuse of this service, only users who are members of the Advanced User Group can see attached papers. If you are not sure what that means, please read this thread for an explanation of Advanced Topics and Advanced Users (2 different but related things). One way to know if you are in the Advanced User Group is that you can post to the Advanced Section of the forum without the forum telling you that your post must be moderated before it will appear. The other way to determine your membership of the Advanced User Group is if you can successfully download the attached PDF file in this message (it's called Congratulations.pdf).

If anyone has copyright concerns please be aware that not only are these attachments not visible to the general public (actually this entire topic is not visible to unregistered people), the attachments are only available to download to users who have earned membership of the Advanced User Group. If you have a complaint about a particular paper, it can be removed by request. Papers are only available to individuals for their personal research use and are not sold/there is no commercial gain or transaction. As such, we are within the copyright requirements of most if not all journal sources.
Attached Files
Congratulations.pdf (25.6 KB, 19 views)

Originally posted by John. I don't know how to make it a quote. The thread is called: FYI: Read before posting. It is in the Request an article section.

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I thought that our posts were moderated until your rep reaches a certain level, then you can post straight away in the advanced section. I think that's what the quote from John is referring to?
Chinadog is correct and Seth, should you have read the links in the quote from John....you would not have needed to post your question.....
Hmm, it's interesting reading Seth, apparently once your rep reaches advanced status you can choose from a list of titles like Salamander commander, Shrimp pimp, Lord of the dance, Ghost buster, Master of the universe, Nanook of the north, etc, etc, to appear below your user name! ;)
I did read the link, but i didn't understand. Maybe i missed something. Or just should have paid closer attention. :eek:
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