What filter do you use?


Aug 29, 2010
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United States
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Just curious about what kind of filters you guys use. I have yet to get a filter for my new, upgraded tank.
Hi I used to use undergravel filters but these are pretty outdated and messy. I have been using hang on water fall type filters now. I find these to have no water current easy to clean and maintain only problem is keeping the water level at the right height
I use a Cascade canister filter, but I have it set up so that it trickles down this waterfall thingy that I made. I like it because it doesn't create any current at all. :happy:

I also recently got some Cascade fully submersible filters that seem to be working out pretty well in my smaller tanks. They come with a spray bar attachment to disperse the water without creating a strong current.
I use Eheim internal filters in all my fish tanks... i find these filters to be real easy to clean and last forever. and filtrates as well as add the bubbles to air-rate at the same time (or not if you don't want bubbles in the outflow)
i use a under water sponge filter, i did have a massive one but it created too much water movement at the water outfeed, now i have two small sponge filters, and have adapted the water outfeed so it trickles against the glass of the tank making minimal water movement
Aqueon Quiet Flow 20 Aquarium Power Filter - Aquar Filters External this is the one I use. it's an Aqueon Quiet Flow 20 (up to 30gal tank). I have a 20 long. I just got it yesterday actually and am REALLY impressed with how quiet it is... especially seeing it's behind the couch in the living room. Though my old one was a regular canister filter (about 10 years ago) and that thing was LOUD!

I use a Ehiem 2001 model external canister filter. Its awesome!!!
Hi I use a Marina filter that hangs on the back of my tank and then spills water back over. I don't know if I like it yet as I hate the idea of a plastic tub of moving water hanging outside the tank lol, the tube that goes down into the power motor which sits in the water was too short for the water level I wanted so I attached another length of tube (only about 5cm) with electricians tape (the tape sits out of the water) and now the tube is long enough and it all works fine! It isn't too noisy and it has a flow control currently set to LOW. I get a trickle of water which I have directed down a little plastic slope and into the water, practically no current though one of my axies likes to lie right under where the water trickles back into the tank.....:happy:
I haven't used a filter for about 6 months now - I just have an air stone to aerate the water and clean the tank every 2 weeks or so (cleaning up debris with an aquavac & changing approx 1 bucket of de-chlorinated water).
I also have a couple of live plants, so maybe that helps with levels etc. Works fine for me so far any way!
I use a sera filter, they are very costly but they are the best by all means on the market.

Wouldnt have to clean it a lot with axies, i have golfdish so it gets messy, but they contain siporax as a filter media which can hold more bacteria per square metre than any other filter media!

If you get a bit annoyed with filters like me you only need to clean it out every 6 months to 1 year, Amazing quality and the best filter around. Apart from nature of course ;)
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