what does this mean...?

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Asian Newt Group
Jul 12, 2007
Reaction score
United States
What does it mean when under the reputation I've recieved there is gray reputation? Is that neutral, or what? I thought you could either get positive or negative.
It means you have received more negative reputation than positive.
On the main page of User CP, it shows what reputation you've recieved. Along with the others, I have a gray one.
I dont even see a space for that on my user CP..???

I see it on the side when I am viewing a thread.
It's right on the main User CP page, you may have to scroll down. It says "Latest Reputation Recieved".
Im still not seeing it, but I just wanted to start a new thread and it posted it here. whats up with this?:eek:
Now its there, its dead center in the middle, did you leave me any reputation? Does this only show with a certain post count?

????I am puzzled about this????
I found it now. Interesting to see that someone has posted the comment 'idiot' next to the post where I said that I didn't know where the reputation was. I wonder who that could have been? Pretty immature and not exactly constructive. There's plenty of things to get used to about this site, and it would be nice to think that the members here try and help each other out instead of using the forum to bitch like that.
It obviously does not appear till someone actually leaves you any reputation, seeing on how this forum is pretty slow I bet allot of people don't know its theer. It didn't show for me till he selected my reputation in this post but he didn't leave me a comment. Mine is also Grey.
couldn't agree more Peter..
Yes, Ian, thanks for that.
since I joined this site as a complete novice to the hobby (or obsession) back in May, I've found it to be an excellent 'virtual community'. The patience and helpful comments of the more experienced members have enhanced my enjoyment of newt and salamander keeping beyond measure. I've learned a great deal about a wide range of subjects and I think that the welfare of my 3 animals (a modest selection by most peoples standards) has benefitted also.
However, I suppose there are 'bad eggs' in all communities, (here it may well be a minority of one) and I guess that anyone who's bored enough to bother making a comment like that is worthy of sympathy rather than ire.
If I make an error in providing comments on newt or salamander care, or inadvertently misadvise on any other topic I'll take constructive criticism on the chin, but to be called 'idiot' because i'm not 100% familiar with the minutae of site navigation really does offend me.
I have been a member of lots of boards over the past many years and though every now and then someone can be a bit punchy, this is by far one of the most intelligent and helpfull boards around. Everyone is entitled to a bitchy moment from time to time. I try to just ignore them and move on to more constructive topics.
Ha ha, the funny thing about being called an "idiot" Pete is that you just used so many small but BIG words, if you know what I mean, that his ears are probably red and his forehead billowing with steam trying to interpret.:lol:
okay folks.. thats enough bashing .. if there are issues like this please just let the mods know and we will deal with it...

As the comments were continued... the thread is now closed.

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