Yes, Ian, thanks for that.
since I joined this site as a complete novice to the hobby (or obsession) back in May, I've found it to be an excellent 'virtual community'. The patience and helpful comments of the more experienced members have enhanced my enjoyment of newt and salamander keeping beyond measure. I've learned a great deal about a wide range of subjects and I think that the welfare of my 3 animals (a modest selection by most peoples standards) has benefitted also.
However, I suppose there are 'bad eggs' in all communities, (here it may well be a minority of one) and I guess that anyone who's bored enough to bother making a comment like that is worthy of sympathy rather than ire.
If I make an error in providing comments on newt or salamander care, or inadvertently misadvise on any other topic I'll take constructive criticism on the chin, but to be called 'idiot' because i'm not 100% familiar with the minutae of site navigation really does offend me.