Wow really £30! do you remember how many litres it holds? you need at least 80litres for two Axolotl. to give you reference your tank has dimensions of 60cm by 30 by 30 and holds 60litres if filled to the brim (I know as I have the same size tank) I live in London and £30 would not get me a goldfish bowl
Have you got a birthday coming up you could get your Mum to by you a MASSIVE tank!
If you go into one of the shops I mentioned before just tell them you want two half 90degree PVC plumbing, one each will be better as they may want to get away so even if you have a hide big enough for the both they may not want to be together.
Well done Harry you are really trying to get everything right and I am sure you will do
Ha, Yea Mel I actually just got out my ruler and worked out the scale of the photo's from the airstone! I am like that when I have something on my mind as I am sure you know by now!