What ambystoma?



hi my name is Magaly, i've those ambystomas, but i don't know if it's mexicanum, tigrinum, californiense, mavortium, can you help me?
they're metamorphosed, so i think that they're not mexicanum, only one is acuatic.
sorry if my english is too poor

this is the link were i've the photos
did you collect these animals from the wild in Mexico? they remind me of rosaceum, but i may be wrong as photos of this species are few and far between. If they were from the states then i'd take a shot at marvoritum.
Looks like you have an axolotl and another species of tiger.
Hi, well, I bought them in a market, they're destinated to be a soup, here in mexico people thinks that if they eat axolotes soup they'll be cured of asma, gripe, etc.
I know that they're protected, but here the autorities didn't do anything to end this practice, and I thought that that will be the better choice.
Now they live in a big terrarium and I take care of all them, but I don't know what specie of ambystoma they are. I bought them in a larvae form like axolotes, but they didn't looks like ambystoma mwxicanum, maybe tigrinum, mavortium, californiense...
Thanks for the help
hello magaly, what the aquatic ones set up like? It look like his skin is shedding or peeling. Was he shedding? Or does his skin usually look like this?
I think you do in fact have a tiger salamander and either an axolotl or a tiger larva...
You said you bought them together, so perhapd they are both the same species. It is hard to tell with the dark photo.
Hi Magaly! You seem to have Ambystoma velasci - the Mexican tiger salamander. The spotting on your aquatic adult is very common in that species. Where exactly did you buy them? In Puebla?
yes, i bought them here in puebla Lauren, i'm not shure how is the velasci ones, could you show me some photos? and sorry Kara B, i don't know lots of english and i can't understand all your message, sorry
There is a picture of a Velasci larva from Puebla and an adult from Jalisco on this thread:

However, I've seen other aquatic velasci from Puebla that look like your axolotl - many small spots. A. velasci is basically the name they give to all metamorphosing populations that aren't identified as another species. They haven't figured out exactly how many species there are in Mexico yet.

Where in Puebla did you get them, Magaly?
Also, velasci used to be a sub-species of A. tigrinum along with mavortium and californiense, so it is closely related to them.
Those photos were of dead specimens so the color may not be reliable.
Hi kara, the acuatic one had a fungus in the skin, i think you saw that photos, now it was fine. I cured it with tetraciclina and another medicine but i cant remember the name
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