It appears to be the larva of some sort of stream-side species of salamander. Those photos are a bit blurry- could you try to get some better shots? If not, could you give a bit of a description?
Well if it helps you out any they are from a small stream supplied by a spring in PA to be precise Northeastern part of PA. they are about 6 months from hatch (at least the large one). Thank you for your responses! And I cant get any more of a clear picture at the moment. This one I am uploading now is the clearest my camcorder could get.
Okay judging from the row of spots going down the back kinda make me believe it would be Desmognathus fuscus fuscus or Desmognathus monticola monticola. Keep in mind thats just my guess because dusky salamanders are nortoriously hard to peg an id on sometimes.
Well Nathan you were extremely close they are Eurycea cirrigera Thank you a lot!!! You guys really know what you are doing. Keep up the good work! Hahahaha they actually had a picture of two salamanders that are identical to mine (the size and everything!). I have spent well over 20 hours of research just on trying to figure out what type they are. Who would have guessed that it would be on the site that I am writing to.
Hehe, I'm glad we could help! Sorry you had to research so much- I probably could've linked you those pages in the very beginning...
Also, they are probably Eurycea Bislineata if you found them in Pennsylvania. E.bislineata and E.cirrigera are both fairly similar in appearance.
Dangitt Nathan I hate it when your right. I don't know why in the world Eurycea never crossed my mind. Either way there great salamanders and I hope you enjoy them.
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