Question: What Am I Doing Wrong?


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Jun 20, 2010
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I have some babies that are 5-6 days old now. They had a rough start for their first day, as they were still in the post and most had hatched before they arrived. There were a few unlucky ones, but most survived. They were fed newly hatched BBS on the second day, and I washed the salty water off before feeding them. On the third day they were all alive, and I did the same thing on days 4, 5 and 6, but had quite a few deaths each day. There's still a handful left but I'm worried they'll die too. I can't figure out why they've been dying. I change the water daily after feeding and put them into a clean container. The dead babies are removed immediately. They're kept in a shallow bucket with a live plant, the water may be a little on the cold side.

I've examined the dead babies, and some of them look like they've simply been too small, some of them have curled tails but look normal otherwise, and some of them look like there is something wrong with their insides, and I can see that the BBS hasn't gone where it's supposed to?? After a really close look, some of the ones that haven't digested the BBS properly almost look like they haven't formed properly...:confused:

I've read the 'Why Larvae Die' page, but I still don't know what's happening. Can someone help? :(
It does not sound like you are doing too much wrong at all, maybe you just have a weak batch or even a bad batch of bbs eggs.

Dont beat your self up you have clearly made no massive mistake and I am sure you will do a good job with the ones remaining.

can i ask how you are transporting them from one tub to another? are you sure you are separating the bbs from the shells? and are you letting the fresh water sit at same temperature as the old water before transporting.

keep your chin up and make sure the few you have left are given every chance to thrive, I am dredding any of my new babies dying as my luck would have it I have had no casualties so far.

PS I have no spell check on this computer so sorry if there are spelling errors.
It does not sound like you are doing too much wrong at all, maybe you just have a weak batch or even a bad batch of bbs eggs.

Dont beat your self up you have clearly made no massive mistake and I am sure you will do a good job with the ones remaining.

can i ask how you are transporting them from one tub to another? are you sure you are separating the bbs from the shells? and are you letting the fresh water sit at same temperature as the old water before transporting.

keep your chin up and make sure the few you have left are given every chance to thrive, I am dredding any of my new babies dying as my luck would have it I have had no casualties so far.

PS I have no spell check on this computer so sorry if there are spelling errors.

Thanks for your reply and encouragement. :eek:

I've been moving the babies with a spoon, just by scooping them up gently. Should I not do that? I do my best to seperate all the eggs from the hatched BBS, but I can't seem to avoid every single one. How can I do that more effectively? I was worried about that...
I now move them with a turkey baster after being reccomended to, it is a lot easier and a LOT less frustrating.

with the bbs I just syphon out a small amount from the hatchery into a large tub of water and then shine a strong lamp in one corner that seems to seperate everything pretty well. then I rinse them using one of those paper coffe filters.

I have only been keeping my first batch of babies for a week so I don't want you thinking I am some kind of expert, I just hate to see you so upset! (even though I cant see you)
I think the possible problems could be mainly heat? when you said their tails were curled. Also have you been using room tempreture dechlorinated water?

When I rasied my first batch a lost a few from fungus on the eggs. But five survived at least.
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