I have tried numerous times to breed cricket, all failed. I have tried smaller and larger containers with 10-12 crickets(adult) in each all the way to 1,000 crickets together with food(bought from wormman), and potato slices (fresh every two days).
*I used 12 crickets in smaller tupperware with soil/peat moss as bottom with food / potato.
*I used larger container with 12-15 crickets with soil/peat mix as bottom w/ food, water
*I've used same as above only MINUS peat, using only top soil as bottom.
*I put containers (screen topped and not screen topped) into larger cricket containers so they could lay and then remove containers later. with peat moss and then tried soil as bottom
*I tried moist soil and dry.
*I tried variation on heating, including: ceramic heat emitters, 75W standard light bulb light(for heat) 24hours-7days w/heat on and having heat on timers with 8-12 hours on and rest off.
What am I doing wrong??? All i end up with is the usual dead adults, even after 10 days removing, nothing.
I did alright with mealworm breeding but now, I'm trying waxworms. I have the bedding provided from wormman.com(bran/honey mix) I put many waxworms into different containers. I had them all pupate and I *see* wax moths inside the container now. I added the waxpaper, bedding and use heat emitters without any light(so they stay active). It's usually between 80-100F. I was heating with a timer, but now with colder weather, I put it on 24-7. I see lots of "RED spots" and little spots on the sides and on some waxpaper that looks like "rubber" or a "ink drop" spot. is this the eggs? i thought I'd see mini-waxworm babies after the moths die off, which has started happening and been now over two weeks. Wheres the larvae(baby worms)? Are they coming soon? I have them sealed nicely in a small tupperware container with custom screened top so no one escapes.
I have tried numerous times to breed cricket, all failed. I have tried smaller and larger containers with 10-12 crickets(adult) in each all the way to 1,000 crickets together with food(bought from wormman), and potato slices (fresh every two days).
*I used 12 crickets in smaller tupperware with soil/peat moss as bottom with food / potato.
*I used larger container with 12-15 crickets with soil/peat mix as bottom w/ food, water
*I've used same as above only MINUS peat, using only top soil as bottom.
*I put containers (screen topped and not screen topped) into larger cricket containers so they could lay and then remove containers later. with peat moss and then tried soil as bottom
*I tried moist soil and dry.
*I tried variation on heating, including: ceramic heat emitters, 75W standard light bulb light(for heat) 24hours-7days w/heat on and having heat on timers with 8-12 hours on and rest off.
What am I doing wrong??? All i end up with is the usual dead adults, even after 10 days removing, nothing.
I did alright with mealworm breeding but now, I'm trying waxworms. I have the bedding provided from wormman.com(bran/honey mix) I put many waxworms into different containers. I had them all pupate and I *see* wax moths inside the container now. I added the waxpaper, bedding and use heat emitters without any light(so they stay active). It's usually between 80-100F. I was heating with a timer, but now with colder weather, I put it on 24-7. I see lots of "RED spots" and little spots on the sides and on some waxpaper that looks like "rubber" or a "ink drop" spot. is this the eggs? i thought I'd see mini-waxworm babies after the moths die off, which has started happening and been now over two weeks. Wheres the larvae(baby worms)? Are they coming soon? I have them sealed nicely in a small tupperware container with custom screened top so no one escapes.