New member
Hi all, So I got the 20gal tank that my friend gave me this wknd (my parents brought it down) - it's really nice. I also have some dechlorinator. Next steps are to pickup some larger gravel/smooth rocks, plants, other random shelter, and a filter and start setting the tank up. My only concern right now though is the temperature. As it stands, it can get to be 70-75 degrees on average throughout the day inside my place *without* the AC on. It has been warming up a bit as we get through spring towards the summer here in SoCal. I'm not sure how that will affect the water temps. I'm either going to pickup a few Spanish Ribbed newts or Firebellies. From my understanding, the ribbed newts can withstand temps that are a tad bit higher than the firebellies, but I still would like to keep the temps under 70. Will this be an issue? I know that water temps generally tend to run lower than the ambient air temps too. But in the case that my water temp *is* a concern, what is the easiest/most efficient way to keep the water constantly cool/chilled? I've read about people dripping ice cubes, or running a length of tube through a bucket of ice. But that requires me to have an additional setup, which seems to be a pain. And with ice cubes, I constantly will have to make 'dechlorinated' ice cubes and remember to put the ice cubes over the screen to drip down. I want something a bit more self-sustained... Is there a 'cooler' or 'chiller' that I could buy or make that attaches to the filter or that I can just plug-in and stick inside the tank that will cool the water?