do you just use API Stress Coat with axolotl/tiger salamander larvae tanks or do you need another dechlorinator that Works to remove chlorine and chloramines and neutralize heavy metals found in tap water for a healthy aquarium environment? can i use the API Tap water conditioner on my tiger salamander larvae tank water or does it need to be something else.
it says safe for aquatic life but i am not sure if that means amphibians. the API tap water conditioner is used mainly for fish but says safe for aquatic life. i have fish thats why i am asking. instead of having to buy 2 different kinds of water conditioners id like to use one on both to save money. i use the api tap water conditioner, api stress coat, topfin bacteria suppliment on my fish tank. can i use just the stress coat on my tiger larvae's tank or can i use just the tap water conditioner or can i use both to better the tank? is it saf to use the API Tap water conditioner on my larvae? are all 3 safe for use in my larvae's tank?