Water clouudy



have a 75 gallon bowfront seaclear aquarium. has 5 axies and 3 trapdoor snails. looking at aquarium from front looks great but look at tank from side it looks really cloudy. have a eheim 2236 filter plus a supreme 700 and supreme 350 pumping water to a fishmate filter. any ideas also has a aquarium chiller hooked up keep water at 64 degrees
Cloudlyness can be a bacterial bloom. Also, if you just added sand and did not fully wash it, it can be smaller particles that have not settled. If these are the cases frequent waterchanges can help
bare bottom. if bactria why does it look clean from the front
How often do you wipe the glass down on the ends as compared to the front?

Ok, looks can be decieving at times, one of my sand tanks looked nice and clear, but when i looked at it from the side it looked cloudy.
Why is that? because of differnt depth. most aquiariums have more depth from a side view than from a front view, and small levels of cloudlyness are more visible that way.
Anyways, I just do water changes to rid of cloudy water and it helps. There are checmicals for water cloudy, some of the descriptions include " includes a polymer that makes all the cloudy material lump up and fall to the bottom for easy removal" but even then it suggest doing a water change.

until someone with more knowledge comes along with a more consise diagnosis, I woould suggest water change. Just because you have all the great equipment does not make you immune to tank crashes and water chemistry change, sometimes it just happens and small water changes over a period of time have helped me.

Goodluck with your cloud problem.
mine used to be cloudy and i was running 2 filters.. i bought a ehiem 2008 internal filter for around $60 and added abit of aqua clear and in 4hrs it was crystal clear. top filters they are:D and i also feed them while in the tank and is never cloudy.
I have had simmiliar problems with my tank as it is a custom made, so is deeper in area's than a standard one, so cloudiness has presented itself a few times my suggestions are,

Check any plant material for rotting or loose leaves as I have found decomposing plant material to be one of the worst.

Water changes always freshen up a tank, check that your water conditioners don't contain aloe vera as an excess can make a tank cloudy.

Try adding extra activated charcoal to your filter, I always have extra in my filter as charcoal makes the water sparkle.

Check your axie's aren't sloughing off ( shedding skin ), this makes a terrible mess.

Also substrate that hasn't been washed properally will cloud up a tank until it settles.

I would avoid those "instant clear" products as they migth be a little harsh for axie's, they are very particular about water conditons as we all know.

Hope that helps.

Regards Eastern_axle
The other potential cause is that all of the interior surfaces in aquaria are colonized by a biofilm made up of bacteria, protozoa and fungi. When thin this layer is pretty clear but as it thickens you get a greater opacity from the film. If the sides are cleaned less frequently (or even if it is) then looking through the distance and two panes of glass with the water and the biofilm distorting the light can cause the tank to appear cloudy.
Cloudiness can also be caused by suspended organic particulates that may be too small for the filter to pull out of the tank. If you have access to a diatom filter, this will remove the material in a couple of hours but if the cause is due to overfeeding or using a food source that breaks up into small particles this can readily reoccur.

The products mentioned above that are sold in the pet stores to remove the cloudiness are a group of materials known as flocculants. These cause particles to clump together until they are large enough to drop out of solution but if they are not removed (hence the water change recommendation) the particles begin to decay starting the process over again.
If the slight cloudiness is due to a bacterial bloom then watching to food items and some water changes will probably take care of it.

Some comments

Is it ok to use bottled water when you change the tank water and if it is can u put it straight in or do you have to treat it.
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