Water chiller- irritating!


Feb 1, 2011
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Westmont, IL
United States
I have had my axies for a while now in a 29gal tank. (Sponge filter, sand substrate, no additional overhead lighting, they are doing really nicely.) However, I live in Miami, FL, and the temps are going to get high really soon. Generally, I can keep my house so that the tank is around 68*F; but that is only during these "cooler" winter months.
I have already invested in a water chiller, but it has NOT done the job. I got the run around from a guy who kept upselling me on chillers, eventually claiming that I would need a 1/3 or 1/2 horsepower chiller! That sounded ridiculous to me. That's industrial size, isn't it?! I didn't go for that, but I am stuck now with a 1/15hp chiller which does NOT cool below 73*F (it basically does not lower the temp at all. In fact, if its at 72*F, it will INCREASE the temp to 73*F.) Yes, I have checked to make sure it is not actually a heater. :p I have checked it multiple times, and have taken it to a chiller "expert," but it just doesn't work.
Basically, what I'm asking is this: Those of you who have a chiller, what size is it, and what size is your tank? I can't seem to find anything that will chill to the temps axies need. It's as if all of the chillers are designed for tropical tanks that have multiple, hot lighting sources, so its really attempting to cool from 82* to 75* or something.
Any insight? I want to be totally sure this is going to work before I spend another big sum of money. :lame: (Makes me sick to think I bought it now...)
From what I can find online, that size of chiller should do the trick for a 29-gallon tank. Is it the type that is inline with the plumbing, or a drop-in coil? The plumbed type won't work if there is insufficient water flow rate.

Do you know for sure that the unit is working as it should, versus being defective? What happens when you try it on a small tank, like 10 gallons? If it is working, it should be able to cool that. If it's defective, you should be able to get it replaced.
Yeah... well, about that. I suspect that the unit does NOT work. I was getting such shoddy info from this guy who kept trying to upsell me that I don't know what to think. First he told me it was un-fixable, then told me it was working, just not strong enough. (Scammer!) I wanted to hear from others what size I really needed. I made the mistake of buying the current chiller from ebay and by the time I realized that it didn't work, it was too late for me to return it. :mad: (It's embarrassing too; I will definitely learn from that mistake.) In an effort to avoid that in the future, I wanted to make sure that *in theory* this would have been the right size. It is an in-line chiller. I'm nervous about buying a brand new one, but it seems to be the best option.
I have a hailea 1/15 chiller on my 3ft tank and it cools the tank wonderfully in our hot summers. Is this the same as yours?? Im sorry I dont know what an in-line chiller is.

I think your chiller is broken . Try taking it to a fridge or air cond repair place. They might be able to fix it for you
Leanne I am glad that you mentioned the Haliea 1/15 as I have a three foot tank and have just purchased a Haliea Chiller like yours on eBay from a Queensland based store. It was 300 dollars cheaper than to buy it locally. I am looking forward to the delivery of it because there is liklely to be a few more hot days in Adelaide before the summer finishes at the end of Feb and I will be busy at during the days and not able to change frozen water bottles , like I have done to get by so far this summer.

Now I am excited. I hope my Axle appreciates the coolness when it comes. I had heard that the Aqua One chiller was cheaper but that it doesnt cool as well as the Teco or Haliea.
Congrats on buying your chiller. You and your axie are going to love the chiller. You dont realise how much time you spend changing water bottles.
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