Water changes and larvae


New member
Apr 2, 2008
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Kent, England
United Kingdom
quick question,
How often do I need to change the water in the tank with my larvae?

It's a 2' tank with no filter, currently about 10 hatched larvae now about 3 days old and 10 still in eggs (but I think these may have died )

I had been doing about 20% every day is this too much? Just concerned because there is no filter and no substrate so nowhere for the bacteria to live and do their thing.
Re: water changes and larvae

Hmm..I would think the 20% water change is fine, especially where as you have the eggs in there and you don't know if they're alive or not. If it turns out that they are dead, then that would be bad for the cycle, right? If anything, maybe change it to every other day?

Maybe you could put a rock or sponge something in there with a good amount of surface area just until you get a new pump/fix yours so the bacteria have a surface to live on. I am new to this whole thing too, so I could be wrong.
Re: water changes and larvae

Thanks, wasn't intending on buying another pump, I have a tank set up with the pump and all cycled ready for them, but it's big with lots of caves and a bit too much maintanence for larvae, so I was going to leave them in the small bare tank for a few weeks.

I will carry on as I am then with daily water changes... Thanks
Re: water changes and larvae

...little contravertial compared to most people's advice - but I had a better survival rate when I did a 20-30% water change once a week.

My tank has no pumps or filters, just lots of pond weed.
Re: water changes and larvae

Yeah, I was trying to remember what other people have said in similar threads, that's why I suggested maybe every other day. I didn't know once a week, but I guess more often might stress out the larvae?
Re: water changes and larvae

Thanks, I'll reduce the amount I'm doing it, don't want to stress the poor little things:D
Re: water changes and larvae

A lot of people do change water once a day, I used to. But personally have had better results doing it once a week. I left couple in the hatching tank last year, I used it to pour the old water into.

I didn't know they were there at first; I never fed them (until they were larger) they lived off what bred in the tank. They didn't get one water change - both are now about 6" exactly same size as the ones I did feed and clean :)
Re: water changes and larvae


My strategy is to keep a large surface area / number of Axies - your ratio is very good.

Feed them on Brine Shrimp from the word go, keep the water level low ( about 100-150mm ) so they can get the food as soon as it is introduced. Every few days I use a length of air hose to siphon out any large clumps of dead shrimp / waste ( if you hold your finger at the exit end of the hose to stop water flow and tap their tails they move out of your way for cleaning ). Each week ( or if the water level gets to low ) I top up the tank again with conditioned water ( do this slowly as they are delicate little pets ). Keep this up until they are about two weeks old ( at which stage you should see front legs and a big increase in size ) , then you can increase the water level . Keep feeding them as above, when their back legs develop start introducing pellet foods With the Brine Shrimp. Eventually they will just accept the pellets and it is plain sailing from there. Raising them gets much much easier from now on.

NOTE: Do NOT overfeed them with the shrimp - the water will foul and kill them ( better to feed them a little on the lean side than to overfeed and kill them ).
Concentrate on keeping the bottom clean ( this helps with maintaining good water conditions ).
You do not need filters but they certainly help, if you opt not to use filters then make extra effort to keep the bottom clean.
You can top up the tank at anytime you think it is a bit low just make sure the water is conditioned appropriately.

For the record - I just finished this summer having raised and sold OVER 1000 Axies so the advice is proven from experience and works - ENJOY :D
Re: water changes and larvae

over 1000 axies, the thought makes my mind boggle:eek:

The water level is about 2-3" and full of daphnia, so they should have plenty to eat, eventually, when they are big enough I shall seperate them according to size and the greater number will go in the main tank, where eventually 2 will remain with us and I will pass on the rest.

Thanks so much for all advice :D
Re: water changes and larvae

For the record - I just finished this summer having raised and sold OVER 1000 Axies so the advice is proven from experience and works - ENJOY :D

Wow - 1000 - I struggled raising/feeding around 100! :eek: What did you keep them all in mate?
Re: water changes and larvae

I raise them in 2x 500l plastic tanks , 6x 36x15x18 aquariums , 6x 24x12x15 aquariums , 3x 36x12x12 aquariums , 4x 32x18x18 aquariums , 8x 18x18x18 aquariums , 1x 48x18x18 aquarium .

Depending on numbers I utilise any combination of the above - raising Axies is actually VERY easy once you work it out :wacko:
Re: water changes and larvae

Wow - lots of tanks :) ...I'll give your technique a go mate (probably next year now). I'll keep a note of this post.

Would be great if I could get them straight from BBS/Daphnia to pellets. I'll have another go at BBS; couple of people (including yourself) say it's easier. Personally, I struggle with the hatching, rinsing and introducing of BBS.

Would love to be able to raise 1000 of them :)

Do you keep the tanks outdoors?
Re: water changes and larvae

I used to raise my Axies in the garage but now i have a fish room that is kept at a constant 20*C .
It is insulated with 150mm Pink Bats , 50mm polystyreen , all covered and FULLY sealed on top with polyetheleen plastic - the room still has the dust from when I built it about 6-7 years ago ( it stays that dry ).
BBS - I never rinse them , just drain the water and swish them in - I use old panyhose to strain them with over a bowl ( I an so cheap :D ).

Hatching BBS - I go down to the ocean and get sea water ( 30 litre drum ) , you can't beat it for best results ( home brew does work too though , I have also used this method but ocean water is best ).

Happy Axies team :D
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