Wanting to make a nice Axolotl Tank


New member
Oct 8, 2012
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United States
I am going to make me a nice set up for 6 to 8 Axolotl and I was wanting to do a 90 gallon 48x18x25 . I am new to this so i am learning as i go. All our Axolotl are 1.5- to 2 in at the moment so i have alot of time to do this right. One of my main questions is how often will i have to do water changes . Any reccomendations are welcome , I am at the beginning stages of this just like to plan everything out before i start spending money. Also i am really wanting to do live plants so let me know what u think on that as well.
Re: Wanting to make a nive Axolotl Tank

If your going to make it I would make a bigger floor space such as either 48 X 24 X 15 or even for 8 axies I would consider 72 X 24 X 15. 6-8 full size axies are huge and to accommodate al the hides and plants you want to go big. I have a 48 X 15 X 21 for 3 axies and am looking to upgrade to a larger floor space. Just my personal opinion you should go with the 72 X 24 X (Whatever height you desire).
Re: Wanting to make a nive Axolotl Tank

well they have a 135 gallon wide 72 x 24 x 17 cost a 150 bucks more but thats not really and issue. Just wasnt sure if i wanted to go that big, depending on what i come up with i may cut back a few axolotls. Also they have some thats 13 tall, would that be ok since they really need more floor space.
Re: Wanting to make a nive Axolotl Tank

well they have a 135 gallon wide 72 x 24 x 17 cost a 150 bucks more but thats not really and issue. Just wasnt sure if i wanted to go that big, depending on what i come up with i may cut back a few axolotls. Also they have some thats 13 tall, would that be ok since they really need more floor space.

Yes 13 tall is not a problem they don't have to have a super tall aquarium. So that would be fine.
Re: Wanting to make a nive Axolotl Tank

Ok after talking with a friend and compare prices on tanks I am going to go with a 70 wide 48x24x13 tall and just cut back on a few Axolotls . As far as filters he said I should use a Eheim Canister 2217 filter. Does anyone know if this will make to much current for them , he said if it did we could make a spary bar ( I think thats what he called it)
Re: Wanting to make a nive Axolotl Tank

OK thanks for the link , I like that bar i may do that. If i wanted to do a planted tank cani use eco complete? I am open for anything on this as far as other options or if anyone dont reccomend live plants. Also do Axolotls mess with plants.
Re: Wanting to make a nive Axolotl Tank

I am unsure of eco complete but live plants in my opinion are a must. I have many different species from floating anarchris, java fern, marimo moss ball, xmas moss, weeping moss more then I remember. There are several threads on different types of plants to use.
what do you use as a substrate

I use sand from petsmart. Just about an inch thick, I have mainly free floating plants so I don't have to worry about having them in the soil since a lot of people say their axies love to relandsacpe for them.
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