M mark Guest Dec 13, 2005 #1 First morphs of the year. Well nearly morphed... gills have shrunk to stubs on this batch.
M mark Guest Dec 17, 2005 #3 Thanks Christian. They were in a brown tinted plastic tub, hence the brown tinge to the photos. I've moved them into a glass tank now. Gills almost gone Some like to hang on to their gills But it doesn't affect their appetite
Thanks Christian. They were in a brown tinted plastic tub, hence the brown tinge to the photos. I've moved them into a glass tank now. Gills almost gone Some like to hang on to their gills But it doesn't affect their appetite
C christian Guest Dec 17, 2005 #4 Are yours also that hungry? bloodworms don't survive long when my morphs are hungry,and chopped nightcrowlers are a delicatesse...
Are yours also that hungry? bloodworms don't survive long when my morphs are hungry,and chopped nightcrowlers are a delicatesse...