I'm hoping someone can give me other ideas on how to help my son's (now my obsession)firebellied newt. He was purchased 3 weeks ago from a petstore that I now realize had no business selling them as they have no idea how to care for them. When purchased he had only a small waterdish...all land...I thought I was making an educated purchase because I went back several times to make sure I knew exactly what was involved with caring for a newt. We came home with a 2 gallon tank and fish food (yes, i know, terrible)...When he didn't eat for two or three days I began doing research online about food and habitat...and he was moved into a larger tank with small filter and 3/4 land...I have tried every possible food (worms, brine shrimp, flies)..he has consumed food once...about one week ago I noticed a small patch of skin missing near his snout..I thought he had injured himself but this small patch has dramatically spread to behind his neck and under his eyes...I have him in dirt quarantine now and have used polysporin and bactine to no avail...it is spreading so fast...My fear is that I am prolonging his agony...is there anything else I can do to help him?? I am afraid I may be doing something wrong and hurting the helpless creature more...there aren't any vets who will see a newt in my area...If someone would give me some idea as to what I can do to help him I would really appreciate it...Thanks in advance!!!