URGENT!!! Axolotl not moving!!


Dec 25, 2022
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This so urgent so is not type with grammar!
When I came home i saw that my axolotl is not moving. One of his leg is missing skin ( you can see his bone ) and a half of his fill is missing. I think they got into a fight but he is not moving. It’s like he’s paralyzed and cannot mov who’s legs or anything. He does breathe and move his gills tho. I think he’s dying. PLEASE HELP
axolotls are quite resilient and are quite capable of growing missing limbs etc.. back.
transfer him to a tub containing cold dechlorinated water and 2g/l non-iodised salt also an almond/catappa leaf if possible, feed at night clean in morning, the gill may grow back faster than the limb but it will take time, once the wounds are closed/healed he will be able to be reintroduced.
to prevent future arguing ensure tank is large enough for two axolotls (30 gallon for two), make sure enough hides/caves are provided 1 each minimum, also make sure there is enough food provided.
in worse case a barrier may need to be placed in the tank to separate them (ensure there is adequate water circulation) if antisocial behaviour persists.
axolotls are quite resilient and are quite capable of growing missing limbs etc.. back.
transfer him to a tub containing cold dechlorinated water and 2g/l non-iodised salt also an almond/catappa leaf if possible, feed at night clean in morning, the gill may grow back faster than the limb but it will take time, once the wounds are closed/healed he will be able to be reintroduced.
to prevent future arguing ensure tank is large enough for two axolotls (30 gallon for two), make sure enough hides/caves are provided 1 each minimum, also make sure there is enough food provided.
in worse case a barrier may need to be placed in the tank to separate them (ensure there is adequate water circulation) if antisocial behaviour persists
Thank you for your answer! I just put him into a separate tank and l put him in the fridge aince I wasn’t sure what to do. Good news is he started to move his gills slot more and he started to move his head. Bad new is that he started bleeding from his leg. I will definitely try the catappa leaf oil I have as soon as he gets better.
axolotls have good blood clotting abilities so some bleeding isn't a major concern, fridging isn't required although water close to 15°c is fine (although unlike most animals axolotls heal better at colder temperatures but being too cold can be harmful as it can cause organ shut down).
almond/catappa either come as leaves or as black water extract, do not use almond oil.
axolotls have good blood clotting abilities so some bleeding isn't a major concern, fridging isn't required although water close to 15°c is fine (although unlike most animals axolotls heal better at colder temperatures but being too cold can be harmful as it can cause organ shut down).
almond/catappa either come as leaves or as black water extract, do not use almond oil.
This is him now. He seems to be better cause he is moving one of his legs and his tail. Although, i saw that he got really skinny so I tried feeding him but it seems like he doesn’t have enough energy to open his mouth.


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