New member
Hi All! I'm a first-time axolotl owner and 3 days in I think I've got a problem. As no amount of Googling has given me the answers I need, I'm hoping that you guys can give me some advice.
After doing my research on the cycling process, I opted to use Tetra Safe Start in order to speed things up as a lot of people seem to have had great success with the product. I followed the instructions to the letter, adding the TSS 24 hours after dechlorinating my tank water and introducing my new axolotl friend, Boo, to the tank within an hour (after letting him/her acclimate). Yesterday I came home from work to find that the water had gone slightly cloudy, which I understand is likely to be a bacterial bloom.
What concerns me is that it doesn't seem to say anywhere on the internet whether this is normal when using TSS - generally, TSS is prescribed to help clear bacterial blooms.
Therefore, I'm wondering whether the cloudiness I've got is a sign that the TSS hasn't worked, or whether it's just the beneficial bacteria having multiplied and not settled in the filter and substrate yet.
Even though the general consensus when using TSS is not to test for the first week, I have been testing the water every day to keep an eye out for spikes that might be harmful to little Boo. The ammonia levels have been hovering around 1ppm, which Tetra say is normal for the first week after using TSS, the nitrItes have stayed at 0pmm, and the nitrAtes have stayed at just over 20ppm (which is the same as my ordinary tap water). The only change that coincided with the appearance of the cloudiness was a rise in pH from the approx 7.9 of my tap water to 8.2. I've kept the tank at a stable 19.5C throughout.
Overall, Boo seems to be quite active and content and is eating well. As the bacteria will likely be using a lot of the oxygen in the water I've increased aeration as much as I dare without causing a strong current from the filter, but s/he does still swim to the surface quite a lot for little gulps of air - I don't have experience enough to know how often s/he would do this anyway under "normal" conditions. Boo's health and wellbeing is my main consideration, so I'm trying to decide between the following courses of action:
1. Wait out the TSS for a full week and continue to monitor the water quality.
2. Add more TSS to the current water to see if that helps the problem. (I bought two bottles, just in case.)
3. Do a large water change and start again with the TSS.
4. Scrap the TSS entirely and start doing daily water changes.
On the subject of water changes, what's the best way of keeping the temperature in the tank reasonably constant when topping up with fresh water? My cold tap water is only a few degrees above freezing at this time of year - would it be ok to use some from the hot tap (or kettle) to get the temperature up a bit?
Thanks in advance. :happy:
After doing my research on the cycling process, I opted to use Tetra Safe Start in order to speed things up as a lot of people seem to have had great success with the product. I followed the instructions to the letter, adding the TSS 24 hours after dechlorinating my tank water and introducing my new axolotl friend, Boo, to the tank within an hour (after letting him/her acclimate). Yesterday I came home from work to find that the water had gone slightly cloudy, which I understand is likely to be a bacterial bloom.
What concerns me is that it doesn't seem to say anywhere on the internet whether this is normal when using TSS - generally, TSS is prescribed to help clear bacterial blooms.
Even though the general consensus when using TSS is not to test for the first week, I have been testing the water every day to keep an eye out for spikes that might be harmful to little Boo. The ammonia levels have been hovering around 1ppm, which Tetra say is normal for the first week after using TSS, the nitrItes have stayed at 0pmm, and the nitrAtes have stayed at just over 20ppm (which is the same as my ordinary tap water). The only change that coincided with the appearance of the cloudiness was a rise in pH from the approx 7.9 of my tap water to 8.2. I've kept the tank at a stable 19.5C throughout.
Overall, Boo seems to be quite active and content and is eating well. As the bacteria will likely be using a lot of the oxygen in the water I've increased aeration as much as I dare without causing a strong current from the filter, but s/he does still swim to the surface quite a lot for little gulps of air - I don't have experience enough to know how often s/he would do this anyway under "normal" conditions. Boo's health and wellbeing is my main consideration, so I'm trying to decide between the following courses of action:
1. Wait out the TSS for a full week and continue to monitor the water quality.
2. Add more TSS to the current water to see if that helps the problem. (I bought two bottles, just in case.)
3. Do a large water change and start again with the TSS.
4. Scrap the TSS entirely and start doing daily water changes.
On the subject of water changes, what's the best way of keeping the temperature in the tank reasonably constant when topping up with fresh water? My cold tap water is only a few degrees above freezing at this time of year - would it be ok to use some from the hot tap (or kettle) to get the temperature up a bit?
Thanks in advance. :happy: