New member
Hello, I just upgraded my axolotls from a 29 to a 75 gallon and I kept my 40-60 gallon HOB with old media but also added a fluval 307 canister and 2 sponge filters and hope to get rid of the HOB once I have some bacteria in my canister. Anyway I just tested my water and my nitrites are 0, nitrates are between 0 and 5 ppm but I can’t tell if my ammonia is at 0 or .25 or somewhere in between..? If I do have some ammonia and no nitrites are hardly any nitrates how do I get the ammonia to 0? I already have an ammonia sponge in the canister. And did my cycle crash, is that why nitrates are almost 0? I transferred all the only water, decorations, and filter media and before the transfer the water was 0 ammonia, 0 nitrites, and nitrates were 20 ppm. But I added another 30 gallons of cool prime water to fill the new tank. The axolotls were in the tank when it first got ready but one started having eggs so took the male back to the breeder and I tubbed the females and culled the eggs. They have only been out of the tank 2 days but they’re ready to go back and I’m not sure if it’s safe.