Updated Pics



Here are some updated pics of Shortie. As you can see her brown muck, fungus whatever it was has gone! I removed a tree stump decoration I had in the tank and since then it has gone away. I noticed the stump smelt weird while I was cleaning the tank, almost chemically or something. Maybe she was having a reaction to it? Anyway she is looking really well now.






Wow she's beautiful and looks quite active in all those photographs and healthy looking. I love the picture of her head sticking out of that tube
Yes, she loves that log. That is my goldfish aquarium in the background of that pic too. She has been pretty active lately, not what I would expect considering the rising temperature.
Your tank looks good and Shortie happy and healthy Natasha. Axolotls become less active in colder temperatures and more so in warmer water.
Natasha, good to hear she is doing better!
. I was curious to know as to what was causing it. It does sound like the log was causing it.

She is very cute and looks much happier now. Great job with your tank
Hahaha,cute axie!Looks so happy in those pics!But I can't really tell her colour. Is she yellow?
lol, my axies have a log like that, they love it. there always in it just poking there little heads out staring at me across the room. hehehe.
Yes she is yellow. Golden albino for sure.

The stump is the only explanation I can see could have caused it. Soon as I took it out I gave her one more salt bath and went to salt bath her the following day but she was just improving so rapidly I didn't worry about the salt anymore. Few days later the brown was completly gone.

I also found a spray bar for my filter which is great! (Fluval 2 Plus) Not that is caused the problem because I got it after, but it is still very handy. She likes to sit on it sometimes and stick her eyes out of the water occassionaly which I find a bit strange.
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