I would say you are correct on the two-lined ID. In your area that would be Eurycea bislineata, the Northern Two-lined Salamander.
Northern Dusky larvae are similar in size, shape, and pattern, but there are two characteristics that show this is not a dusky:
1) the snout is somewhat truncate ("squared off"); the snout of Desmognathus larvae are round when seen from above.
2) the gills are feather-shaped, with a long central shaft (rachis) and shorter filaments (fimbriae); the gills of Desmognathus larvae are antler-like with no rachis and a few branched fimbriae attached directly to the body.
The third species in your area with stream-dwelling larvae is the spring salamander, Gyrinophilus porphyriticus. It has snout and gills like E. bislineata, but is more robust and lacks the light dorsal spots; instead it is plain or mottled pinkish to tan. It also has smaller eyes than either E. bislineata or D. fuscus.