Question: Type of Filter?


Oct 26, 2011
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United States
I'm quite new to the aquatic pets world. Earlier in life I housed a couple of tadpoles, but they did not require much maintenance and I released them into the wild once they transformed into frogs.

I've been doing oodles of reading and I think I've pretty much got down all the facts, but most of the guides aren't really specific about the type of preferred filter. From experience, any suggestions guys?

I plan on getting two Juvinile Axolotls and will be house in either a 10 or 15 gallon tank. I think I'm going to start off with a bare-bottom tank (With some shelter areas of course.) I haven't quite wrapped my mind of what would be the safest substrate to have for them yet.

Anyways enough rambling, Filter suggestions? :happy:
i use a marineland bio-wheel hang on the back filter made for up to a 20 gallon in my 20 gallon tank. I put a sponge on the water return to reduce the flow. It seems to work great and its relatively cheap.

i use sand in my tank!
Also, I forgot to ask this well, Is some aeration method recommended as well? I plan on doing a 20-30 percent cycling once a week.

Again, total aquatic pet noob here X) I can use all the help I can get!
For 2 I'd go with a sponge filter, ideally one that has an airhose hook up, like the one yellowpebble shows, not ones that you drop an airstone down.

They do not need any type of air source.

barebottom is best for babies, sand works well as well (make sure it's not sand for saltwater aquariums that may alter water ph and chemistry)

I'm all for using smaller sized tanks for babies, but you will need to upgrade in about 6 months as that tank will be too small for 2 adult sized axolotls. The going rate on here seems to be 10gallons per axolotl. And obviously floor space over height.

Make sure to start cycling the tank before you get these guys.

this is what i did to my hang on back filter. it is a top fin 10 and i use it on my 20 gallon with foam sponge blocking the output same as modestum. works great and cuts down the current. i don't think it really matters what filter you use, it's more important to have live plants that are growing healthy. also just suck out the poop with a turkey baster and that will solve a lot of your problems right there. this size tank will be okay for a while but definitely you will have to upgrade to at least a 30 gallon for two adult axolotls.

additionally, I think bare bottom is best for juvenile axolotls and once they get old enough you can switch to sand (play sand works well and is cheap, just be sure to wash it thoroughly) or you can just leave it bare bottom.
if you could spend some more money
I want to recommend Eheim Canister Filter.
I have 55gallon and I use up to 80 gallon Eheim Ecco Canister!
It works the best and you will enjoy the silence and the proficient work!!
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