Tylototriton pics needed



Good evening
As some of you might know,
am I one of those people who would like to be added to the genus Tylototriton;-).
this is not possible and that´s why I try to get as much information as possible.
If there´s enough money in my pocket,
I go buying books,
in which nearly nothing´s understandable,
except some fotographs and latin names.
But the customer´s never satisfied,
and therefore i´m still looking for different pics
(only for my private use!).
Does anyone of you have pictures of Tylototriton (verrucosus)sp(p?) from Vietnam,Laos, Darjeeling(India)?
-I have seen pics from specimens from Thailand (at least three "forms")and Nepal in various books,
and a friend of mine keeps T.verrucosus,
which seem to originate from Myanmar.(If you believe in what a pet trader tells you;-))
Different pics of "T.verrucosus" were already mentioned on this pages.
Greetings (especially to,...I think you know;-))
and thanks for every answer,
Hi Philipp,

There are a lot of forms. I've seen 3 variants in person so far. Unfortunately, you'll never find reliable origin information for any through the pet trade. Not even the original wholesaler can tell you the exact country of origin with certainty.

So unless you intend to mount a collecting expedition to the Far East, I wouldn't get your hopes up on this
, nor would I take what you've been told as being the truth unless the person collected the animals in the wild himself/herself.
Thank you John
That´s exactly the problem!But for the Specimens from Thailand, Darjeeling and Nepal,
there are actually people, who found them in the natural habitat!(Thailand: only 2 Forms can be seriously found with further data in my books)
Another friend of mine found those those animals in their habitats!That´s the reason why I do believe those mentioned books!
The reason why i was posting this thread is,
that there actually do exist pics of Tylototriton sp.(p?)from Vietnam,
and I would be very happy to have them in my tiny little computer or elsewhere.
So think about this young guy from germany,
if you get any of such interesting pictures,
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    Anlucero: I believe my axolotl is constipated. I got him 8 days ago and have not seen any poop in his... +1