Tylototriton books


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Mar 9, 2012
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I have been searching the web for books with a bit of a Tylo focus instead of books that just touch on them. I have found one that mixes up Tylos species and one in German. I have found plenty of useful websites, journals and studbooks on the San Diego Library with some useful stuff.

Is there any books out there?
I only know of one "book" on Tylototriton, and it deals exclusively with T.verrucosus. Be cautious extrapolating the data to other species. All subgenus Tylototriton likely exprience fairly cool temperatures, but in parts of its range, T.verrucosus spends part of the year buried under feet of snow. At 19 pages, it's shorter tha many scientific papers, but still possibly more information than you'll find elsewhere in one place.

Status survey of Himalayan salamander tylototriton verrucosus anderson in Darjeeling Hills
Status survey of Himalayan salamander tylototriton verrucosus anderson in Darjeeling Hills /

I am working on a project which will contain much more extensive data, but it's a long way from done, and held up in part by a need to obtain and translate many papers from fairly obscure Chinese journals.
There is a book on Tylototriton in general I believe, or could be one on just T.shanjing... HOWEVER it is entirely in German lmao cos I was thinking about buying it to keep to hand.

Edit: It is just a book on T.shanjing unfortunately, and it doesnt state how many pages it is but like I said its entirely in German lol

Der Mandarin-Krokodilmolch: Tylototriton Shanjing
Josh, the german book has 63 pages. I dont have it here but I looked it up, its part of a series of books, I would guess its good for keeping the species, but not much else. These books are for beginning keepers, in general.
Apologise as this is a old thread.
But has anyone discovered any different books on Tylos. Have ordered my copy of the Near threatened Newts but struggling to find resources.

One book I found talks about T.shanjing, but is describing T.verrucosus. But have found some useful stuff. My references consists mainly of personal communications and websites.

Cannot remember where I found this picture but i found it when i was drunk and uploaded it half pist ,Gives a general idea of species locality and looks pretty lol


  • tylo map.jpg
    tylo map.jpg
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Well I just responded to this a few minutes ago but there seems to be technical difficulties with the wireless connection here on my end so if this post comes through twice I apologize....

That is a one of a kind painting that is hanging on the wall in my salamander room:) I had it privately commissioned in 2009. Regarding books, this book Chimaira Buchhandels GmbH - Threatened Newts and Salamanders of the World - Captive Care Management Threatened Newts and Salamanders of the World - Captive Care Management was announced on fb a few weeks ago. I checked with Zoo Book sales here in the US however they do not carry it. I suppose that I will be paying overseas postage again..
That is an awesome painting. Got my copy of the book on Monday some interesting pictures and good knowledge
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