Trying to weaken an airstone


Active member
May 4, 2020
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Pittsburgh, PA
United States
Hello, my dad just spent 3 days trying to set up an airstone, which was a debacle, for my axolotl's tank. It is entirely too powerful, I don't know why but it rockets water out of the tank and she's scared of it. We originally had one pump and a t-fitting but the t-fitting so fit to not work at all, so one pump couldn't power both the filter and the airstone. I have a second pump now, powering the filter (it's stronger) and the older, weaker one powering the airstone and it is STILL splashing water everywhere! I had to turn it off so it didn't short circuit her fan. I have no idea how to dampen it, lessen it's yield, I guess is the term. It came with a valve that only allows you to have the airstone fully blasting or not at all, as if it's turned off. Does anyone know any tricks? I tried a bread tie around it, to try and reduce the airflow and it worked about as well as tossing a single ice cube on a campfire.

I am thinking maybe getting some of my floral wire and wrapping it around the external hose, to cause an even more severe tightening. I'm also considering throwing it out and giving it to my dad's map turtles, or taking a small knife and poking a hole in the line. It is entirely too strong, like, I lost a lot of water today from having in run from just an hour. My girl is in a 20 gallon tank and I changed and rotated her water on Sunday before I had to go to work. I'm gonna change it again next Monday, work willing.

If anyone has any tips for dealing with this let me know, I spent like a total of 40 bucks on it and it doesn't work as intended and I am quite frustrated. Considering tossing it in the garbage too.
I suggest getting a splitter and installing in the line before the tank and open the other side as a "bleeder" until your airstone is at the desired flow
I had one, a t-fitting, it didn't work at all. It either let air pass to the filter or to the stone but not both. I am assuming it was of a trashy quality. I have 2 valves, both of them either give full on, or full off.
A splitter has a control on each line

A T has no controls

Example below of what I mean


  • splitter set up.jpg
    splitter set up.jpg
    6.5 KB · Views: 143
  • splitter.jpg
    7.8 KB · Views: 112
Oh the metal ones, they sell them at my local aquarium store but that would require a fourth visit and I couldn't be more tired and curfew is soon. I'll have to get it next week.
Oh the metal ones, they sell them at my local aquarium store but that would require a fourth visit and I couldn't be more tired and curfew is soon. I'll have to get it next week.
I just cut the line a couple of times, works good for me!
Tying a loose knot in the tube works as well, though it will shorten the lifespan of the pump slightly.
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