Hello, I live in Canada and found a salamander in my backyard a couple of weeks ago. I decided to save him and show him to my 12 yr old son who asked if we could keep him. I decided that it would be a good idea at least over the winter as we don't live near any water and it gets very cold already here. I have him in an aquarium with organic dirt (mud) I bought at the pet store and I have tried to make a place under a rock for him to hide but he will not go there. He sits in the corner where there is a little water and dosen't move much. Also I have not seen him eat. I have tried putting tiny crickets in and holding meal worms with tweezers I then drop the worm in after awhile and later find the worm still there dead or see it has crawled off uneaten. I am very concerned I would feel awful if he died when I was trying to save him. Any suggestions on how to set up his home for him and how to get him to eat would be great. He looks like an adult and is a long toed Salamander common to western Alberta Canada. I no nothing of this kind of animal, I have always had fur covered pets in the past.
Thanks for any advice you can provide.
Thanks for any advice you can provide.