Triops warning



triops, or cyclops as another post called them, are
NOT to be fed to your pet. these creatures can get to two inches long or bigger. when big enough, they will eat a large goldfish, so do not feed these to your newt or larvae because they will be eaten. these creatures start out as microscopic, where they can be eaten, but if you feed these, then clean out the tank immediately after your newts are done feeding because they double their size every night.

(Message edited by mrnewt71 on November 13, 2004)
where did you get that from?
Cyclops are NOT the same as Triops. you're thinking of Triops longicaudatus, also known as aquasaurs, or various other names. Cyclops, which is a common name for a group of freshwater microscopic crustaceans, are not harmful to your newts.
Wyatt: As others have mentioned, you've confused two totally different animals.
Cyclops as a vernacular name describes a lot of species of crustacean, all bearing the same over all body plan. Some are "huge" (several mm long), some a mm or less. The important thing to know is that some are predatory, and potentially harmful to very small newt larvae.

Triops look vaguely similar to Cyclops but are much larger and not closely related.

Kaysie, when we attempt to correct someone else, it's important that we are correcting them, rather than confusing the matter further.
Wyatt: We WERE talking of Cyclops and other small copepods....Why do you assume that we were wrong and were talking of Triops?
But the most absurd thing is that you, after ASSUMING we were wrong go on to post in another thread that we WERE wrong.....

A big adult goldfish, Carassius auratus, is about 30cm(a foot) long. I quote:
"these creatures can get to two inches long or bigger. when big enough, they will eat a large goldfish"

"2 inches or bigger"
How big is that?

I would imagine that a group of them can take down a small goldfish(10cm). I can see why you warn us to use these as larvae food and I think it is good information. But maybe you should think twice before posting an insult the first thing you do?
Once again:
Superkingdom: Eukaryota
Kingdom: Animalia
Subkingdom: Metazoa
Phylum: Arthropoda
Subphylum/Class: Crustacea
Class/Subclass: Copepoda
Family: Cyclopidae
Genera: Cyclops
species: bicuspidatus

This is a Cyclops species, Cyclops is a genera including many species not anything else!

You see the Class/Subclass? It says Copepoda, the genera that you are referring to belongs to a different Class/Subclass called Branchiopoda.
Branchiopods are totally different from Copepods.
wait a second, was i ever posting an insult? when i said large goldfish i didn't mean koi and those huge species, i meant the regular comet goldfish that are considered to be adult when they are 6 cm. the other post i was talking about was the one titled cyclops eggs and Hayden Asche said he meant triops, not cyclops. i knew cyclops were another species, and i probably should have put accidentally called them cyclops. sorry for the confusion. triops normally grow one to two inches but can get bigger. they do often double in size every night. heres a link to a website about one family's triops experiences.

i would suggest you guys tryin to grow em. they say for kids but it is fun to watch them swim.
about the triops thing, true they are predatory and true they do grow to two inches and possibly more, they can be a good treat for very larga sals. same goes for cyclops. placing larvae in tanks with smaller animals would not really be so wise since they get bigger, they have enough meat and make really good treats, they also will eat plant matter, so they would be omnivorous.
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