Took in abandoned salamander, looking for some help.



Hey guys. I am new to this site and new to the world of salamanders. I posted under the "help" topic last night, and got some responses that have helped. But, being new to this, am looking for all the info that I can get. Here is a pic of our tiger salamander-"Cammo".
I originally had the tank set up mostly aquatic, but after advice received on here last night, have redone the tank. Take a look and let me know what you think.
. I am curious about temps in the tank- what should they be? is a heat lamp needed or even a black light setup to simulate night??? Thanks guys in advance for any advice!!!
The setup looks great. You do not need any sort of additional heat or lighting. 99% of caudates like it as cool as possible (mine are around 50F right now), and tiger salamanders are fossorial, meaning they're burrowers, and do not need any spectrum lighting.
Joan, I would love to keep my newts at 50! is there a secret to this, or do you just have a basement (unlike us third floor dormitory dwellers.
The secret: live in a basement... It's really not all it's cracked up to be. My landlord sucks. But it's cheap and the newts dig it.
Poor Joan, the vampire newt enthusiast. It's alright. I lived in my mom's basement all through high school, and I hated it too. Unfortunately I didn't even have newts to enjoy it at the time.
Looks like an EXCELLENT terrestrial setup for your tiger! The only suggestion I would make would be to take the egg carton cardboard out of there if you have crickets in the tank----it is a common "food" for crickets in pet shops, but it is not a healthy thing for them to eat or for your salamander to eat when he eats the crickets. In fact, if possible, don't have any crickets in there roaming around, and just supervise his eating when you give him his cricket/worm/moth----I have had bad experiences with keeping crickets in the same tank as my tiger, where the slower moving salamander lets himself get munched on by the curious and hungry crickets, even if you put official cricket food in the tank. Here are my two rubbermaid tubs that I house my tiger, Fatboy, in! You can see his little head peeking out in the second tub. Oh, and in both tubs you'll see a shallow water dish for him to bathe in, that is essential for your salamander---make sure it is filled with dechlorinated and/or spring water and that he can get in and out of his swimming pool easily.



(Message edited by tadpole on February 26, 2006)
Thanks for all the advice!! Never knew when we took this critter in that so much would be involved in his upkeep. But, it is fun for my daughter, taking care of him. Keep the notes coming. she enjoys reading what everybody writes! And seeing the pics of others tanks. Have to go food shopping for Cammo today, so I will keep in mind all that you've said!!
That is really exciting! Yes, and plenty of shady, cave-like hiding places in your enclosure is essential, too.
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