Mushu (my Chinese fire-bellied newt) has settled in now, but he went for a long spate without eating. I've read that overfeeding him can be bad, but now I'm concerned about weight he may have lost due to the stress of the move to my place. He eats right away now, I largely feed Frozen Bloodworms, occasionally daphnia and brine shrimp.
The ridge where is spine is is what's concerning me. That, and his constant lust for food these days.
He's an adult. I'm wondering how best to build him back up if I have to? What feed schedule would you reccommend? E.g. how much of each type of food. Currently he gets four or five bloodworms every two days.
Thanks again
The ridge where is spine is is what's concerning me. That, and his constant lust for food these days.
He's an adult. I'm wondering how best to build him back up if I have to? What feed schedule would you reccommend? E.g. how much of each type of food. Currently he gets four or five bloodworms every two days.
Thanks again