Tips on my new eastern newts


New member
Mar 29, 2017
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United States
These are my first newts, i wanted fire bellies but i couldn't find any. few questions

Can anyone tell the genders? i want to breed eventually

Is the setup okay?

do i need to get more?

I've had them for 2 or 3 days and offered ants and small earthworms and they haven't eaten, should i be worried?

do i need to get more? most people have 3 or 4

i appreciate any help, thanks!!

P.S. i added a log afterward for them to get on, and sorry about the quality, it was on an iPhone and I'm a bit sick
First i would like to congratulate you on your first newts! They are fun critters to have and watch! I'd make sure the earthworms are really tiny, if not chop them up so there small enough for them to eat. This might be why there not going for them. You wouldn't need more unless you wanted to breed them. This is one of the first newt species i ever kept as a kid I was given to them by my mothers friend whos son caught them in a pond, they didn't know how to care for them and i already had some newts they figured they would be better off with me. I used to feed them daphnia from the pond near my house. There also in my opinion one of the coolest I love there bright orange eft stage! below is a couple links you can read up on the species your keeping. The first link may shed some light on your sexing question. Good Luck keep us posted!
ADW: Notophthalmus viridescens: INFORMATION
Caudata Culture Species Entry - Notophthalmus viridescens - Eastern Newt
Couldn't get a good enough look to tell the sex breakdown. I thought I saw a heater in the tank--unless the room you have them in is below 50, that's almost certainly not necessary and it could end up becoming an issue. What's the water temperature right now?

Additionally, I think you'll want to make the land area more extensive. Some people on here even keep their adult notos totally terrestrial, and most that I've seen at least have a terrestrial quarantine for sick animals.
Couldn't get a good enough look to tell the sex breakdown. I thought I saw a heater in the tank--unless the room you have them in is below 50, that's almost certainly not necessary and it could end up becoming an issue. What's the water temperature right now?

Additionally, I think you'll want to make the land area more extensive. Some people on here even keep their adult notos totally terrestrial, and most that I've seen at least have a terrestrial quarantine for sick animals.

so i have removed the heater, i added a log to get on but now they won't go on land, just use it to rest
First i would like to congratulate you on your first newts! They are fun critters to have and watch! I'd make sure the earthworms are really tiny, if not chop them up so there small enough for them to eat. This might be why there not going for them. You wouldn't need more unless you wanted to breed them. This is one of the first newt species i ever kept as a kid I was given to them by my mothers friend whos son caught them in a pond, they didn't know how to care for them and i already had some newts they figured they would be better off with me. I used to feed them daphnia from the pond near my house. There also in my opinion one of the coolest I love there bright orange eft stage! below is a couple links you can read up on the species your keeping. The first link may shed some light on your sexing question. Good Luck keep us posted!

i do plan on breeding eventually, and I'm going fishing this weekend so i will grab some pond critters. i always collect mosquito larvae as all water critters love them
ADW: Notophthalmus

viridescens: INFORMATION

Caudata Culture Species Entry - Notophthalmus viridescens - Eastern Newt

i do plan on breeding eventually, and I'm going fishing this weekend so i will grab some pond critters. i always collect mosquito larvae as all water critters love them
As mentioned before some people do keep them completely terrestrial except for breeding season, but the opposite is also true, some people (myself included) keep them mostly aquatically. Mine do have a large piece of cork bark, and two other pieces of floating wood. I see them on the wood just hanging out sometimes. The cork bark has moss growing on it and a few leaves, sticks, etc, to make it more welcoming. So if they wanted to leave the water, they have the choice. A few of them do like to hang out on there sometimes also. But they always return to the water when they see that it is feeding time. My newts are very tame as Ive had them for several years, so as soon as they see me come over to the tank and open the lid they know the drill. Good Luck with your new family members, newts really are cool pets!
Try frozen bloodworms or live blackworms. Blackworms can usually be found at good fish stores and are pretty cheap. But the newts like the movement. Also, these newts seem very prone to fungal diseases in captivity for some reason. A lot of folks that have had success with these guys like to put oak leaves in the water with them as the leaves have some kind of anti fungal properties. Good luck though and keep us updated!
I have some eastern newts as well ( currently terrestrial) and wanted to second live blackworms as a food source. If you want to do well with Eastern newts make sure to have live blackworms on hand and small earthworms. Other good food items are dwarf isopods, scuds, daphnia, white-worms, small slugs( make sure they are white in color and from an area free of herbicides and pesticides) and wax-worms as treats as they can be high in fat.
Frozen then thawed bloodworms are also worth a try, I have never had any newts reject them. I like Hikari Jumbo Bloodworms for newts.
If you are keeping them aquatic I would suggest lots of live plants such as java moss, java fern, hornwort and anacharis. I would also suggest oak leaves, just a few, for water quality. Good leaf litter can be found at Josh`s Frogs, no relation just a good store. Many feeder insects can be bought there too. Look on AquaBid for daphnia and freshwater scuds.
I`m sure many member have white-worm cultures for sale in the For Sale section.
Good luck, they are a great species and one of the first I ever kept.
So I have had them for a while now and they are doing well. They love earthworks but will eat anything. Not only do they eat fine, they even eat out of my hand! ( I mean I can hold it in my fingers and they swim up with no hesitation, I don't touch them)
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  • Michelle1981:
    Hello, I’m looking for fire bellied newts that will ship to Ontario, Canada. Are there any captive breeders here? I’ve had many in the past and I’m looking to get a pair for my 12 yr old. I will be the care taker!
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  • AxieCrazy:
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  • Anlucero:
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    Anlucero: I believe my axolotl is constipated. I got him 8 days ago and have not seen any poop in his... +1