Tiger sub-species help?


New member
Oct 17, 2015
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Florida, US
United States
Hello, I posted this in the "beginner" sections, but I believe it should have been posted here instead. In summary, I have several very healthy tigers and I understand their dietary/environmental needs. What I would like to know is if it is possible to tell more about what sub-species a particular specimen is just from looking at it. I would also like to know what region of North America they most likely originated from. Any tips or recommendations for quality resources is appreciated!


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Thank you Tiger Mom Tammy :) and that map was very helpful Seth! I have tried to find a decent identification chart or guide online, but nothing I have found showed enough examples of marking variations to really make an accurate comparison. I thought I would ask some of the pros on here and maybe get a consensus. Your input is greatly appreciated!!!
Hello sorry to intrude but I'm having difficulty using the post stuff but I NEED some info on what's happening to my tiger
Hello sorry to intrude but I'm having difficulty using the post stuff but I NEED some info on what's happening to my tiger

Welcome to the site. :) Posts in the advanced section are not visible until they are approved by a moderator. If you have a specific problem you can use the newt and salamander help section, your posts will be visible straight away there.
I have tried to find a decent identification chart or guide online, but nothing I have found showed enough examples of marking variations to really make an accurate comparison.

It is tough with tigers, because their patterning can vary so much even within a subspecies. Without knowing where they were originally collected from i really can't say for 100% sure what subspecies they are, but these guys most certainly are A. mavortium, it is just whether they are A. m. mavortium or A. m. melanostictum. These guys however have a typical A. m. mavortium pattern which is why i think that is what they are. :happy: It is really hard to say with certainty though.
Thank you again Seth :) You have been very helpful. Unfortunately I do not know where these guys originated from. Two were acquired from highly un-knowledgeable local pet stores as water dogs. The others were adopted second hand via a um... *cough*Craigslist!*cough**cough* In any case they did not come with detailed pedigrees.
I understand. Most people don't know where theirs came from, it's fine that you don't :)
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