Tiger Salamander.



Hi, This is where I currently house 2 Tiger salamanders. It is a 10 gallon, but I plan on buying a 20 real soon. They love to spend time in the water (when they are not eating and sleeping, ha ha). Enjoy. Honest Opinions are appreciated, and feel free to ask me any questions.





It is so easy to underestimate the care that such a lovely set-up would inspire! Short, sweet, but "at the moment" REAL! Hey - can't do much more!
is it usual for tigers to go into the water, on CC FAQ's one of the questions is about tigers in water and it said that it had something to do with stress, or a lack of burrowing places, but the tank seems to have ample burrowing room...hummm http://www.caudata.org/cc/faq/FAQhou.shtml
Thanks for all the comments, keep em coming. The tigers definatly have enough room to burrow, in this picture, they only had a small borrow, but it has now extended all they way under the moss. Thanks a lot guys!
Well its fairly simple, for me, becuase they perfer to go to the bathroom in the water, so I just change the water every other day, and if I notice any problem spots on the land, it is quikly taken care. I hope that is what you meant. Thanks, and I appreciate the comments.
And in the other direction? Do you have dry places left? I don't know about Tigers, but don't most newts need a choice between dry and a wetter area?
No, under the soil is gravel, and there is a peice of plastic between the soil and gravel, so the water never touches the soil. Ummm, In the tiger tank there are dry places, plenty of them. And in the picture those are salamander, I think that is what you meant. And the tigers can choose beween wet or dry whenever they want. Thanks, I appreciate the comments.
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