Tiger Salamander Sexing Help


Aug 9, 2010
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United Kingdom
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Hi all,

Has been a long time since I have been on here but I have just bought a tiger salamander and am pleased to be back on here. I am leaning towards male but am hoping some experienced members can confirm the sex for me please. He/she is about 4/5 inches long. Many thanks for any help.


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I think female because its colours are dulled like most female tiger salamanders
I think female because its colours are dulled like most female tiger salamanders
I literally just unboxed him or her she is much brighter than this as shown in this piccy from the shop


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I literally just unboxed him or her she is much brighter than this as shown in this piccy from the shop. No offense but, I think sexing this tiger is the least of your worries and pretty sure it's too early.He looks rather skinny to me and could use some groceries. Looking adjacent to his spine, he's looking, well "not filled. " Hard to see his rear thigh area but maybe there as well? You could feed him frozen thawed pink mice every other feed to get some more heft to him. Wouldn't feed every feed though. They have a tendency to get spoiled on them. Maybe my eyes are failing me? Otherwise I think he's a good looking tiger for sure.Here's a pic of " bolt" one of my m. mavortium for comparison.


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Hi Zoe!! My guess is a male, though I'm not 100% confident. Makes tend to have a longer slit in their cloaca. Your new addition to the zoo looks fabulous 😊
Hi Zoe!! My guess is a male, though I'm not 100% confident. Makes tend to have a longer slit in their cloaca. Your new addition to the zoo looks fabulous 😊
Thank you so much Julia really appreciate that. Yes the zoo has increased lol have 36 animals now. Hope you and your family are well xx
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