Tiger Salamander or Fire Salamander?


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Aug 16, 2007
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United States
Which would make the better pet, a tiger salamander or a fire salamander? I want a salamander that is active and entertaining to watch and I also would really like it to be friendly and to notice and come to the glass when i am by the cage, I also want it to be able to get along with another sal of the same species. I am able to get it an any size cage and house it to whatever its type requires. thanks 4 the help:D
I wouldn't say any caudate classifies in my definition of a "pet" (cat, dog, hamster).
Fascinating and rewarding animals, yes.
Pet? No.
I have a Tiger Salamander. I only see it when it's hungry. Even in those short time periods I find watching how it moves and it's characteristics fascinating. Are you sure this is the right animal for you ?? Mine stays buried 95% of the time.
I have a tiger salamander and it is not the type of animal to come up to the glass and greet you everytime. It does seem excited when we have food for it. But most of the time it goes under a leaf or buries itself in the soil. It doesn't like to be seen very much.
And we don't handle it very often because of it sensitive skin.
But we like it because it is a very low maintenance animal.
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If you are set on a salamander as a pet and prepared to provide for all of the needs then I recomment Taricha granulosa. They have an abundance of personality, though all of it is food driven. A word of caution though...... These are not they type of pets you can handle and play with. They can be picked up and moved when needed but constand handling is bad. Their skin is sensitive to toxins on your hands and they themselves produce a toxin called tetrodotoxin which is basically what is produced by fugu puffers and blue ringed octopuses. It is quite lethal. That beind said, there is little danger in handling them unless your skin is open and raw in which case you should not be handling any animal. Additionally washing hands before and after is advised and newt to mouth contact should be prohibited. I believe there was a death from some drunk college kid eating one but I am not somewhere I can offer a reference.

I am sure there are others that will have personalities as well but these are my personal fav's.
My fire hides most of the time. He'll only follow me if I have food, but won't come out if I just pass by the tank. He'll also crawl out after I've just misted the moss area. I know he comes out at night though, the change in his habitat proves it.
If you are set on a salamander as a pet and prepared to provide for all of the needs then I recomment Taricha granulosa. They have an abundance of personality, though all of it is food driven. A word of caution though...... These are not they type of pets you can handle and play with. They can be picked up and moved when needed but constand handling is bad. Their skin is sensitive to toxins on your hands and they themselves produce a toxin called tetrodotoxin which is basically what is produced by fugu puffers and blue ringed octopuses. It is quite lethal. That beind said, there is little danger in handling them unless your skin is open and raw in which case you should not be handling any animal. Additionally washing hands before and after is advised and newt to mouth contact should be prohibited. I believe there was a death from some drunk college kid eating one but I am not somewhere I can offer a reference.

I am sure there are others that will have personalities as well but these are my personal fav's.

I have to agree. I would love to have another one of these. I had one years ago and he was so much fun. If anyone out there knows of a good source for these. please PM me and let me know.
A mountain area nere my house has a ton of california newts which i think are pretty similar to the ones you are talking about. They are so cute and always fun to watch!:happy:
Heh, maybe I was just lucky, or else my paddle tail was just too stupid to know not to (joke, btw), but most of the time, whenever I passed his tank, my paddle tail almost always came to the edge of the tank and just stared at me, either with love or curiosity or malice, I'll never know, (hopefully one of the first two >.> shouldn't have a reason to stare at me with malice XD ) and I highly doubt it was because he was hungry, because of how often he did it, and because he was fat... (he's was a pig lol). But sadly, I can't experience this anymore because my newt is dead ;_;

Good luck with whatever you get!
tiger sal

I'd go with Tiger salamander, my first one was fairly active during the day. He's a complete begger for food, he'll follow you around the room within his tank. And he will come out of his caves to stare at me when I'm sitting at the computer. After you feed him he kinda licks his lips and closes his eyes at the same time, most adorable expression of satisfaction you'll ever see hehe. he did have a bit of a problem with borrowing and hiding at first but i largely solved that by giving him enough places to hide that he only felt the need to dig one small hole in one of the caves to hide in. And if you get some either half logs from a petstore or just some pvc piping cut in half to use as caves, you can set them against the glass on edge or at the end and you can watch him and check up on him in his caves. And if you have the option, get one that hasn't morphed yet. watching them play in the dirt for the first time is pretty funny. one of my newest just got to that stage, he'll dig a big whole in one side of the dirt area then awhile later move it all back and dig another whole in the other side of the dirt area... lol. They do well together in a large enough space too. plus you just can't beat the grin on a tiger's face hehe.
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    I believe my axolotl is constipated. I got him 8 days ago and have not seen any poop in his tank. I have a 20 gallon tank. No other tank mates. 2 hides and a bare bottom. I didn't feed him the last two days. His belly looks swollen and dark in color. I believe it is the food you can see. I fed him blood worms and soft quick sinking axoloty pellets. I tested his water today. Ph was 7.6. The nitrite and nitrate were both zero. The ammonia was 0.25 ppm. I was advised to cycle my tank due to the lack of nitrate. I added Seachem stability 10 ml to my tank yesterday and 5 ml today. I have a tank chiller. The water temp is set at 64. He is still active, but his tail floats up when he is moving about the tank. I am on the fence about fridging him. I also don't know how long to go without feeding him. I don't want to harm him. Please help asap. Thank you.
    Anlucero: I believe my axolotl is constipated. I got him 8 days ago and have not seen any poop in his... +1