Tiger Salamander Not Eating During Metamorphosis


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Aug 21, 2011
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United States
I bought a tiger salamander from a pet shop last week. I have had a spotted salamander for about 3 years but have never had a tiger salamander. The pet shop said that they had recently taken him out of the tank a few weeks ago into a terrarium setting and that he was really healthy. When I bought him I thought he was skinny and the first day or two wouldn't leave the water bowl. He is now staying mostly out of the water bowl. I read that they sometimes won't eat during metamorphosis but I am concerned because I have had him one day shy of a full week and he still hasn't eaten. I have been trying to leave him alone and not bug him much as I am sure the new environment is stressful enough for him right now. I have tried to hand feed him crickets and left one in there overnight. He seems to be more annoyed than interested in eating when I try to feed him. Any thoughts?
I would try leaving a dish deep enough that worms won't be able to easily get out and put some earthworm/nightcrawler in them, and leave the tank cool and in the dark. I would not leave in crickets with something unattended, crickets can and will bite lizards, salamanders, newts, etc, and they're not the best nutritionally either.
I tried what you suggested and he still hasn't eaten anything. I know that they can go several weeks without eating but he is very skinny and hasn't eaten in at least 2 weeks. Any other suggestions?
Attached is a photo of him and how skinny he is. I have him in a small tank only temporarily with paper towel. I put coconut fiber substrate in there this evening so he can burrow. Hopefully it will help....


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That looks scary skinny tbh, I would leave it cool and try leaving worms in a dish or just on the paper towel, if theres no cocofiber, and just leave it alone and try getting it to eat by just leaving it alone. Trying waxworms might work aswell.
For tigers refusing to eat, I place them in an empty isolation cage which you have already done. Try placing an earthworm or night crawler in with him. Sometimes they are reluctant to eat a whole one, so try cutting one in half. Another method I’ve used is placing about a half an inch of water in the isolation cage and placing a worm into the water with the salamander. The worm swims around attracting the salamander to it. Try fast moving bugs such as crickets which entice them by their movement, but remove them if uneaten. I place them in the isolation cage for an hour or two then return them to their home cage. I’ll try this method daily or two to three times a week. Sometimes it takes a week or two with many attempts for them to eat. Most enjoy a small piece of fresh water fish. Dangle it in front of him with a pair of forceps. Is he snapping at food but not grasping it or pushing it around and playing with it or not showing any interest at all?
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He doesn't show any interest. I have tried crickets, earthworms and waxworms none of which he seems interested in. He will snap a little when I keep putting food by his mouth but I think it is out of annoyance than anything. I will try the worm in a half inch water and see if that will entice him. It is so frustrating because I don't want to stress him out by trying to feed him everyday but I am really worried. Thanks for all of the suggestions.
Also spray him down a few minutes before feeding attempts. Try dangling the worms in front of him. The half inch of water method worked for me with a recent morph that refused to eat.
That poor animal is horribly emaciated...its chances are very low...
You should absolutely demand a refund from the shop, they sold you an animal in terrible and almost certainly terminal condition, they should NOT be allowed to make a profit from doing so.

In the future i strongly recommend that you reconsider the idea of buying these poor WC animals (you have here an example of the kind of market you are contributing to) and that you only ever acquire an animal that is healthy and in excellent condition.
He doesn't show any interest. I have tried crickets, earthworms and waxworms none of which he seems interested in. He will snap a little when I keep putting food by his mouth but I think it is out of annoyance than anything. I will try the worm in a half inch water and see if that will entice him. It is so frustrating because I don't want to stress him out by trying to feed him everyday but I am really worried. Thanks for all of the suggestions.

I doubt he snaps out of annoyance. He is probably trying to eat, but is too weak. At this point he is probably too weak to swallow even if you could get something into his mouth. However, I think that's your only option. So I would try to get a very small piece of worm into his mouth when he snaps and hope he can get it down.
So we were able to force feed it a tiny piece of worm (less than 1/8inch) this morning and a little less than a half of a wax worm tonight. I know that if you feed starved salamanders too much it will kill them. How often should I feed him and how much?
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